Onkyo Component controls

I use this android app for full control over my onkyo, might be worth a look to see how they implement different functions, you can see full playlitst from amazon etc.

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Question about this old post of yours from 2017. I am new to Home Assistant and don’t know anything about scripts. Is there an easy way to add the onkyo-eiscp to Home Assistant?

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Anyone managed to create a sensor for subwoofer temporary level? I’ve managed to setup the shell commands for increasing/decreasing the subwoofer volume, but I want to also want to monitor what the volume level is set to and show that on a dashboard.

Example using sensors for Onkyo:

  - platform: command_line
    entity_namespace: onkyo
    name: Dimmer
    command: onkyo --host onkyo.local dimmer-level=query
    value_template: '{{ value.split("=")[1] }}'
  - platform: command_line
    entity_namespace: onkyo
    name: Temperature
    command: onkyo --host onkyo.local TPDQSTN
    value_template: '{{ value.split("TPDF")[1].split("C")[0] }}'
  - platform: command_line
    entity_namespace: onkyo
    name: Listen Mode
    command: onkyo --host onkyo.local listening-mode=query
    value_template: '{{ value.split("=")[1] }}'
  - platform: command_line
    entity_namespace: onkyo
    name: Cinema Filter
    command: onkyo --host onkyo.local cinema-filter=query
    value_template: '{{ value.split("=")[1] }}'

I just discover this Git project and install it without problem via HACS.

So easy and work almost 100% with my ONKYO NR-656

Just some sources doesnt work and need some investigation.

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i’m just curious: what works with this integration that doesn’t with original? I don’t have any problems with original onkyo integration… (i have TX-NR3030).

Did you managed to get it to pull through zone 2?

Does anyone know if it is possible to control play/pause and previous/next for onkyo?
The original integration doesn’t support it.

Of course it does…
Choose service media_player.media_pause (or play, stop…), then select onkyo entity

I can’t

my onkyo is set up like this

  - platform: onkyo
    host: !secret receiver_ip
    name: onkyo_receiver
      pc: "HTPC"

when i go to dev->Services

For media_player.media_next_track it doesn’t show the onkyo at all
For media_player.meia_play_pause it says it’s not supported by the device

you mean “media_player.media_play” and “media_player.media_pause”? i don’t have “media_player.play_pause”.

But, i think it might be dependable on source - it seems that you have PC as source - this source really doesn’t have any songs to be commanded as “next” or “pause”, it’s just simple amplifier, in this case play/pause must be commanded in PC, not on Onkyo. Try FM as source, or internet radio and try play/pause.

Still doesn’t work as expected.
The thing is i play spotify on the onkyo and then want to control the onkyo (i know i can control spotify) but in the UI there is no next/previous button, home assistant doesn’t find the service and i tried setting different sources, also setting none at all → nothing works.

What i noticed is, that while playing spotify home assistant doesn’t show any source as selected.

I have my config.yaml setup so that I can control my receiver as a media player, and I have a few shell commands taken from https://github.com/miracle2k/onkyo-eiscp/blob/f570239f5a0a2eadbadb8b0f01f7cdbfc3a96d04/eiscp-commands.yaml

I am able to change the source, volume, and power on/ off. However, I’m having trouble configuring commands to change the zone output. (The commands that work are all ones I found on here, go figure.) My receiver has two zones, and I want to be able to control which zone the receiver is using. This is unrelated to using a second zone as a separate media player, mentioned on the Onkyo integration page.

Any ideas for what I’m doing wrong? Being able to control the zones would be great.

This is what my config.yaml looks like:

  - platform: onkyo
    name: receiver
      pc: "pc"
      game: "switch"
      cd: "music"
    max_volume: 60
    receiver_max_volume: 200

  onkyo_off: onkyo system-power=standby
  onkyo_source_pc: onkyo input-selector=pc # each source also turn receiver ON
  onkyo_source_cd: onkyo input-selector=cd
  onkyo_source_game: onkyo input-selector=game
  onkyo_volume_up: onkyo master-volume=level-up
  onkyo_volume_down: onkyo master-volume=level-down
  onkyo_speakers_a: onkyo speaker-layout=speakers-a # these 3 speaker commands do not work
  onkyo_speakers_b: onkyo speaker-layout=speakers-b
  onkyo_speakers_ab: onkyo speaker-layout=speakers-a-b