Only showing cards in certain tabs


I have several tabs for different rooms. I have the cards associated with these displaying in each correctly. What I am trying to do is hide the cards that are displaying in a tab from the default view. As it is the default tab is very cluttered.

Apologies if I have missed an already documented solution. Any help in achieving this would be great!


Not sure if you can hide it from the default view without hiding it elsewhere. In my config, I hide the generated default view and use my own. It’s a bit more work if you rely on the auto-added things, but it’s a lot cleaner when you’re deliberate about where you place things.

  view: yes
    - ...
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Thanks for the reply,

This does seem to be the best way to do it. I found another forum post describing a solution:

Apologies for the duplicate topic. Feel free to remove this if needed.
