Open Hardware Monitor not working

I can view Open Hardware Monitor from the host PC and from the browser at and from any other browser connected to my network. Tested it on my laptop and my phone, both work great. I’ve added the the address

- platform: openhardwaremonitor
  host: http://192.168.1.XXX

to configuration.yaml. Now I get this when HA starts up:

[homeassistant.components.sensor.openhardwaremonitor] ConnectionError: Is OpenHardwareMonitor running?

This comes up as I have OHM running. Not sure what my next move is in trying to get this up and running.

It could be that the URL has changed. Can you try go get the data from your unit with something like?

$ curl http://[IP address]:8085/data.json

Yes. This is what it returned in browser (on a remote machine) and via putty:

Has anyone got this component working?

Windows 10.

I have added an inbound (and even outbound) firewall rule for all ports, ip addresses and protocols for this application but HA can not see it.

I can see the webpage or json data with a web browser on the machine Open Hardware Monitor is running on. I can’t see it on a remote machine (on the same network). I’m thinking it must be a firewall problem but this looks correct:

change it to:

- platform: openhardwaremonitor 
  host: 192.168.1.XXX

I’ve got it working after I changed the port for the remote webserver in OHM. I’ve set it to 8580 and now i works with the firewall rule in windows.

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after updating home assistant at 0.85 this sensor does not work anymore, it happened to you too?

Has anyone had an issue where the openhardwaremonitor tables do not exist in the web page, but they do exist in the application? Its not a firewall issue because it is on the same machine. I have openhardware monitor installed on a few workstations without issues

I was having the same issue where the sensors became unavailable in HA

Tried the curl command and it did time out, went into openhardware and under options > remote web server - there is a run button, if it isn’t ticket then click it and the tick should then appear.

This then got the sensors back working in HA

something else on Windows 10 which can block OHM

  • Firewall > Change notification settings.
  • Under Public or Private network settings, UNTICK Block all incoming connections

Guys i have just installed added ip adress to HASS but how can i now add it to the lovelace for monitoring, if i want to add as entity i can’t find any sensor or hardwaremonitor name to add it?

also the wifi network which is being used needs to be Private, not Public

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Hi, there is one more option that I have found. For future question :slight_smile: :
Right Click the rule in Inbound Rules > Option > Advanced > Edge Traversal > Allow Edge Traversal

I don’t have any “option” in rules right click,

Nothing like this? (sorry, I have the environment in my native language)


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oh well. I had to double click to left mouse click to see it. :slight_smile:

Now just to make sure: how can I find created sensor? I checked in my entity list but a hint would be great !

If you have an entity configured, then after the reboot HA, you should see the entities and be able to define them in the dashboard.

Is it possible to add extra Hosts so i can monitor second system?

You can create as many hosts as you want, just set a new entry in configuration.yaml with the IP of the new instance.

This will not work for me, how should i add the second IP?

- platform: openhardwaremonitor
  host: http://192.168.1.XXX
  host: http://192.168.1.YYY