Open Hardware Monitor not working

its loading with all the information available on the page. cpu temp and all that stuff. and available on the machine running the docker image that is my home assistant. i opened the log and searched for openhardwaremonitor and couldnt find anything

heres the log it wouldnt fit here. idk man. i got no idea why it wont work. truely annoying.

also, if i go to “(theipaddress)/data.json” i can see all the information there. here it is.

heres the site in the browser.

Then i have no more ideas, sorry

@jatgm1 I have the exact same problem as you ! Can’t find a solution…

Try making sure theirs only one sensor: thing in your configuration, just put everything under there. Also make sure the port is right and the firewall allows for traffic to it.

Yes it’s working now. Thanks.

Mine worked for a long time and now stopped. I tried to do it again and even if it works as server on ip:port not giving me the sensors on HA. Any idea for help? Thanks!

Same here, If I turn off firewall its working, but I cant make it to pass :frowning:

Same here. It worked fine. A week or so I #commented it in configuration file. After I uncommented the sensor the entieties didn’t come back. The IP is correct, the server is running, port is default and a rule in firewall is still there…Did one of the HA update broke it or what?

For some reason I needed to renew my firewall port rule. I deleted it and made a new one. And all HM entieties are back.

I’m facing same issue… no entities created.
I’ve added the IP and port to sensor.yaml.
I’ve done the curl from HA terminal addon and got the json file.
I dont have firewall enabled on the openhardwaremonitor host…
I am using LibreHardwareMonitor, but everyone says it’s the same…
I’ve added the LOG to DEBUG, and only get:

INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up openhardwaremonitor.sensor

Nothing more on logs…
I’ve fully restarted HA…

I even changed the IP to an incorrect one, and got error message asking if it’s OHM running? (that is expected…)
So it detects properly OHM when I put the correct IP, but no entities anyway…

No entities starting with my host name (sensor.hostname…)
Any idea what can I be doing wrong?


WORKING: I had a filter on the entities and thats why it was not showing!! I’ve made a auto-entities card with filter of the hostname and they all showed up!!