Openhardwaremonitor does not work anymore. Here is someone else having my same issue
Here are all the things I did to try to make it work
Openhardwaremonitor does not work anymore. Here is someone else having my same issue
Here are all the things I did to try to make it work
Works for me
Which version of open hardware monitor do you have installed? And which version of home assistant? Also what do you run it on? Both myself and a person on reddit are having issues and I assumed it was a recent update of, idk something.
This is the fourth topic you have opened about this. Please just use one topic or I will start locking them.
umm ok. i still have no idea what i did wrong and why it isnt working though.
Ok, so be patient and wait for someone to reply. Or hop on Discord and try the #integrations support channel.
I tried the OHWM integration a year or so ago. I can’t remember much about it so unfortunately I cant help you.
Been waiting over a month
Then no one here knows what your problem is. Try here:
Did you look in the logs like I told you to?
Did you submit a bug report to the location I told you to?
you should reply here instead of the PM. that way if you find a solution it will help others who might have the same problem.
There’s literally nothing in the logs from it. I added the line to my config file to log it in debug mode. Idk what I’m supposed to do to fix it but it’s like it’s not even starting or something. Can it be manually installed or something?
it’s a core integration. So that means it’s already “installed”. you just need to configure it.
have you filed an issue report?
How do I do that
Go and look at the last reply from me in the PM. I linked the issue report area for HA core there.
Did you not read that post? I replied there 3 days ago with that information.