so the network has an exception for the app. an exception for the port inbound and outobund. tried changing the ports. idk man. how to i look to see if the home assistant even understands that i tried to setup openhardware monitor in logs or whatever? seems like something is wrong.
Change the log level for the integration and look if something comes up when rebooting HA:
homeassistant.components.openhardwaremonitor: debug
How do I change the log level?
And how do I search the logs instead of just looking through in config, then logs? Because I can’t search for specific things like “Openhardwaremonitor”
so i added
homeassistant.components.openhardwaremonitor: debug
to the open hardware monitor line after port and i dont see anything in logs that says openhardwaremonitor
There is a service for changing the loglevel:
service: logger.set_level
homeassistant.components.openhardwaremonitor: debug
Or you can add the part to the logger configuration when you want to see the logs when HA is starting.
homeassistant.components.openhardwaremonitor: debug
I added it and Openhardwaremonitor isn’t even mentioned.
Do I need to install it?
Nothing to install
my configuration.yaml entry:
- platform: openhardwaremonitor
there will be no device in list just entities:
click on one
This entity (“sensor.alex_pc_amd_radeon_rx_5700_xt_fans_gpu_fan”) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI
but all entities are in list of entities
I cannot find anything in entities. Like not there.
Manually looked through everything. I searched for it by the name of the computer from /data.json on the server. “I7SERVER” tried searching CPU gps drive, manually looked through everything. Nothing is in logs. Been trying to get this to work for over a month now…
Open local open hardware monitor server page on your local computer (web server should be running in OHM)
In my case
Is the page loading with all sensors or is empty?
If its blank, you should check that no sensor has a " or ’ in name, that will break json file; i had one SSD with that and i just renamed it in main OHM interface
After that it worked ok
its loading with all the information available on the page. cpu temp and all that stuff. and available on the machine running the docker image that is my home assistant. i opened the log and searched for openhardwaremonitor and couldnt find anything
heres the log it wouldnt fit here. idk man. i got no idea why it wont work. truely annoying.
also, if i go to “(theipaddress)/data.json” i can see all the information there. here it is.
Then i have no more ideas, sorry
Try making sure theirs only one sensor: thing in your configuration, just put everything under there. Also make sure the port is right and the firewall allows for traffic to it.
Yes it’s working now. Thanks.
Mine worked for a long time and now stopped. I tried to do it again and even if it works as server on ip:port not giving me the sensors on HA. Any idea for help? Thanks!