"Opening" sensor of Philips Hue motion sensor

Hi guys,

I am playing around with the HASS with ZHA (with Sonoff dongle E) and Philips Hue. And other devices, but the Hue motion sensor is the topic right now.

I connected the Philips Hue motion sensor directly to ZHA (not via Philips Hue bridge). I see multiple possible sensors - as expected. Illuminance, Occupancy, Opening and Temperature.

I would like to ask about the “Opening” sensor. I have read about a button theory in topic Philips Hue Motion Sensor two sensors for motion - Configuration / Zigbee - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io) and Hue motion sensor device class opening - Configuration / Zigbee - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io). But I am not convinced (or maybe something already changed in FW of the sensor).

My observations is, that once the “Occupancy” (motion) is detected (set to “Detected”), the “Opening” sensor is set to “Open”.
Me sitting on the chair writing this with the sensor behind me does not trigger the “Occupancy” (motion) sensor so it is soon (very soon) switched to “Clear”. After couple of minutes, the “Opening” sensor is switched to “Closed”. Only after I wave my hands, the motion is detected and both sensors are triggered. “Occupancy” is set to “Detected” and “Opening” is set to “Open”. And the whole cycle repeats.

Measured delay is little under 5 minutes.

I haven’t find this being configurable anywhere. Does anyone know what this is? Is anyone using this sensor?

Thank you


I am sitting here and staring at the “opening” attribute as well.
I have the same thing, on both hue motion sensors, the in- and the outdoor one…

Haha, I’m awfully curious about this one as well! Did any of you figure it out? :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly, I gave up and I am using the “occupancy” only.

I assume the “opening” is for alarm functions, so you have different channels for you motion detection and alarm function and you can enable/disable separately

I had the same question, Google sent me this way.

So the conclusion here is that the Opening sensor is nothing but a delayed off sensor for the occupancy sensor?

That’s how I understand this sensors. They both turn on when motion is detected at the same time but turn off at totally different times.

Got a SML004 today and had the same question. Thanks for clearing this up. Going to use the Occupancy only then.

Like you guys, I found this thread because I was curious.

You should be using Occupancy for regular motion detection. . I believe the “Opening” thing is if the sensor is active. The reason you were seeing it every 5 minutes is because it’s something else.

I originally thought this was if the motion sensor is actively seeking motion or not, but based on your data, that’s not the case. So it must be another motion detection that has a much higher “off” delay.

In some detectors, you can configure the “off” delay:

Maybe Philips has a reason why they think you’d want the 5 min delayed version :person_shrugging:.

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Nobody found out about this? Just installed the SML003 and was wondering what “Opening” means …

Also ended up here as well, still wondering what this ‘opening’ is for…