In the Netherlands we mostly use debit cards. I have money on the bank Up front.
I also build weather stations . With a LilyGO T5 4.7 inch e-paper display, ESP32 based. Connected to HA or/and stand alone. They still work for now.
Also build one for a person with a mental disorder. Who is ‘over the moon’ happy with the device. Weerstation named in Dutch.
The e-paper display is translated to Dutch. Also the moon phases names.
So hopefully there is a alternative way to pay for a subscription.
Maybe I drop Open Weather a mail or other kind of message.
Or switch to another api provider.
For italians: we can use the MeteoNetwork open data, but it requires some tricks.
Here is explained how (I’m not the author, I’ve only found it). It works, but there are NO FORECASTS. Only current parameters for your location. I suggest using the average for the location that MeteoNetwork provides as an API.
Yeah, changing providers, here. Definitely NOT putting my CC# into their system. BTW, anyone else see “OpenWeatherMap” and assume (like I did for YEARS) that it was “open source, aka free”? Nah, it’s the api interface they’re talking about being “open and callable”. Plenty of other providers out there that truly are free and I’m not running a weather channel, so I don’t need thousands of calls a day.
Yes that happened to me as well. I posted another question about this on this forum and someone said they moved to a different sensor object but… that’s not working either
No idea if that’s related to 3.0, or my location, or the HA integration? It was like this on both 2024.6 and 2024.7, and using different api keys (in case that made a difference, which it did not).
Forecast sensors where specifically implemented in the OWM integration. When the whole get_forecasts shenanigans started (main reason being reduction of state size that is transferred to the frontend), someone also deemed these forecast-sensors to be obsolete (which they 100% are not in my opinion).
Long story short after an hour or two I came up with template sensors that basically are a super complicated custom way of recreating the nice default sensors from before. I only need two (min and max temp forecast), so I only added these two template sensors to my yaml:
It’s the entity_id of the open weather map entity that is created by the open weather map integration. Left is the weather entity in the dashboard, right is the config view of that entity where you get the entity id.
I have already subscribed to the API v3, but it is still not working. When I try to make the API call, I get the following error:
{"cod":401, "message": "Please note that using One Call 3.0 requires a separate subscription to the One Call by Call plan. Learn more here If you have a valid subscription to the One Call by Call plan, but still receive this error, then please see for more info."}