Options for Sunpower solar integration?

high temps are in…

if anyone is concerned about cooking a RPi outside in their Supervisor box, I can say that the 109F outdoor we had today in my part of the world, my RPi 3b never got above 61C, which is well inside the operating temp range of my device… my unit is running in my Supervisor case, within its own plastic case, heatsinks & a small running fan…

Has anyone had success with this by plugging into a second ethernet port on the machine running HA?

Hi all,

I’m getting a new Sunpower installation this week, so I imagine I’ll be back here.

I was told I needed to provide my Wi-Fi SSID and password for the install, so maybe they’re putting the devices on the LAN now?

Found a way where you do not need a raspberry pi or another computer.

First you need a RJ45 splitter and bring a cat5 or cat6. (Cat5 is more than enough). Plug a patch cable to the splitter and to the customer lan port and another to the installer port.

Disable port in your router that you will use to connect to the installer port. And also remove port from your lan bridge

Inside your house plug in the customer lan port to a port that is part of your lan bridge that has your lan dhcp. (Used for connecting your Sunpower monitor to internet and to get data to Sunpower). Connect the side of the splitter with a patch cable for the installer port to your disable port in your router.

In your router create a new IP address I used with network configured as and set the interface as the port I will have the installer port connected to on my router. Then enable port again.

Now on a computer in your local network use the below url.

You should see a json output and your done. This does not conflict with your lan dhcp server.

For the above configuration I do use routerOS.

Well, it took more than a week, but it’s installed, and it’s Wi-Fi with an IP address of my subnet, so dhcp issues might be a thing of the past for new installations.

Not working.

I set the PVCS6 IP address to static (I had my dhcp server on my router force the IP address).

Trying http://pcvs6_ipaddr times out

As does https, and using the cgi-bin/dl_cgi?Command=Devices

Any suggestions?

Can you ping the PVS IP address? If not, then HTTP connections won’t work either, and you have a more fundamental problem to solve.

Also, ‘static’ and ‘fixed IP delivered via DHCP’ aren’t the same thing. Did you actually set a static address in the PVS configuration?

Yes, I can ping. But an nmap scan shows only port 53 open.

I packet sniffed what the iOS app is doing, and it’s making https requests to a sunpower server.

Going to try to packet sniff the wireless packets and see what happens.

Just confirming: you’re doing this on the second Ethernet port, right, not the first one? The first one is for the uplink from the PVS to Sunpower, and the API endpoints are not available there.

I’m looking at the wireless packets.

I did a dns query via dig to the pvs6 Ip address for www.sunpowerconsole.com and it returned the 172.153.whatever

So it looks like I need to do the lan cable route. I was hoping I could just go in locally, but it looks like they’re running a split dns.

So their installers have to go on site to check things? That must be a pita.

@zachn911 Couldn’t you just set up a static route in your router?

Sunpower techs are able to manage the PVS via the central system, but that does not mean they are using the same API as these integrations use.

In any case, you have to use the secondary port in order to integrate with HA.

Thanks so much for posting this info! My PVS6 bit the dust and was just replaced with one of these new “W” ones. It threw me when I opened it back up to pop my Raspberry Pi in it. Just ordered one of the approved dongles since my existing one doesn’t work.

So, I was thinking of going the lan splitter route, but trying to figure out easier ways than throwing a rPi in the middle.

I was coming up with:

  1. static route from the 172.x.x.x to my HA server (which will ignore the DHCP packets)
  2. putting OpenWRT on a spare WifFi repeater and filtering there.

Any thoughts?

I tried a pluggable USB dongle in LAN1 and WAN ports in the newer PVS6 box and no matter what I don’t get DHCP leases and when I set a static IP on the same subset, I cant ping…

What am I missing here?

Which dongle (model number) did you try? Can you post a diagram showing how you have connected everything (including the PVS6-W, the dongle, your router/DHCP server, etc.)?

can you curl → maybe ICPM is turned off

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Anyone kind enough to help me understand the advantages/disadvantages of going with an integration like this vs an energy monitoring system? There are many on the market, here is an example: Amazon.com

An energy monitoring system isn’t going to give you per-inverter (panel) details.

An energy monitoring system will involve additional hardware of some kind.

If that particular monitoring system is available for you (it claims to be limited to only customers of a specific utility), then it may be useful but for the rest of us it is not :slight_smile:

I just had my SunPower system installed with the new PVS6 w/o any RJ45 ethernet ports. I followed the instructions to configure a Pi Zero W and purchased the USB-Ethernet dongle that is suggested for the PVS6.

The issue I am having is that the IP address that the PVS6 is issuing to the PI eth0 on the PVS6 LAN port is I do se link lights on both the dongle and PI but the IP address is not looking right.

Any advise will be appreciated.

eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::69d0:950a:97:fdcb  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:e0:4d:39:82:a1  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 37  bytes 7941 (7.7 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0