Options to monitor both power outlets of a 15A receptacle?

I’m having a heck of a time trying to find a device that will even control two power outlets, much less monitor them. Many (all?) of the in-wall devices only offer one ‘smart’ outlet. Anything I have found seems limited to 10A.

Space in the area I want it is relatively limited, so an in-wall is incredibly preferable (why is this not a thing?). Two separate wall-warts wouldn’t be an option, but if there’s an external plug that has two outlets with independent monitoring, that could be okay.

I’m aware of the Zooz ZEN25, but it’s limited to 10A.
I’ve seen suggestions of the Aeotec Dual Nano (but have not seen how you’d wire them for outlets), but they only handle 5A per channel.

Anyone familiar with products that can take the full brunt of the US electrical code (especially since I will be using them for devices that will use >10) that will also provide monitoring?

I assume you don’t mean two devices that draw 10A each, concurrently. The combination would trip a standard 15A breaker.

Does it have to be based on zwave?

In wall, >10A ? That would be a pretty small market, so it’s no wonder you can’t find anything. You are getting into industrial strength when you start talking about >10 Amps.

Also, speaking from experience, Sonoff Basic is rated at ten amps, but I have fried two with 8 Amp loads. And I literally do mean fried.

Just what are you trying to control? Also, “Space in the area I want it is relatively limited,” throws yellow flags on the field. So, you have two loads in excess of 10 Amps each in a small space? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Washer and gas dryer. They have been working for the better part of a decade in their current space. I’m really just looking to add the power monitoring component, control is not important at all; I simply assumed it would be inherent, but saw a thread that states the NEC explicitly prohibits that, which may explain the lack of options.

I used to have this SmartDry thing for the dryer, but it’s a proprietary solution that only had SmartThings connectivity via their own cloud.

Not at all, assuming update frequency is comparable; just looking for some way to independently monitor the current draw through HA.

FWIW, I am monitoring power consumption of our washing machine using a Wemo plug with power monitoring (communicates via Wi-Fi). However, it’s a bit bulky and, although it doesn’t block access to the other half of the outlet, there’s not much room left for another smart plug.

I also use a CE Smarthome plug, whose Tuya firmware was replaced with Tasmota, for monitoring a refrigerator (this device also communicates via Wi-Fi). It’s not as sensitive as the Wemo which can reliably and very promptly detect 3 watts (when the washing machine is in an idle phase) and 0 watts (truly off). The Tasmota seems a bit “coarser” but it’s fine for monitoring the fridge. This device is compact (ETL rated to 15A) and two easily fit on a single outlet (but it’s 50% wider than the outlet).

I got the Wemo plug for free and the CE Smarthome plug was sold in a two-pack for ~$11 (Costco; liquidation). The main drawback of the Wemo is it lacks a ‘power-on restore’ feature. After a power-failure it doesn’t automatically restore power to the load. In contrast, Tasmota firmware supports that feature. The lack of it is a deal-breaker for use with the refrigerator.

If space is an issue, the Zooz ZEN15 and Aeotec Smart Switch 7 both support 15A and are low profile, especially the Zooz.

Perhaps I am missing something here. What possible good comes from knowing how much power your washer and dryer consume?

Whole house power monitoring I could understand, but individual appliances? You will run your washer and dryer- what difference does it make how much power they consume? You will still run the washer and dryer.

Knowing when it has finished, of course.

Besides, a valid solution could be useful for many other needs or interests.

That’s like saying you need an augmented GPS precision landing system to park your car. Just use a split-core clip-on transformer at the breaker box and monitor the change in power consumption using a Wemos D1 Mini. You don’t need any precision if all you need to know is if the line is drawing power.

Why do you need to control the washer/dryer outlets? Don’t the appliances shut down when they are finished?

I don’t. I previously updated my question to remove that; I just assumed it would be inherent (although again, other people may find use for such a capability for other reasons)

You say “just” use … and then spout off a sentence that electrical/electronics newbies aren’t going to be familiar with, including myself. I’m also assuming that such a solution would not isolate which plug(/device) was finished, in the case both were running simultaneously (it’s a gas dryer, so they can both run safely).
Therefore, having a user-friendly form factor like an in-wall receptacle has value, and my question is related to that, or info on other relatively-equivalent solutions.

The single outlet Zooz ZEN 15 can handle higher.

  • Be sure the load you’d like to connect DOES NOT exceed 1800W, 15A, or ½ HP in power

from Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Long Range Power Switch ZEN15 800LR for Heavy D - The Smartest House

Personally I had the ZEN 25 fail & they replaced with a ZEN 15 that works flawlessly.

Thank you, someone mentioned this above. However, it’s single-outlet (as you noted) and even larger than what a wall-wart would be.

That’s correct. The suggestion to employ a “split-core clip-on transformer at the breaker box” is meant for monitoring power consumption of an entire circuit. If you have more than just the washing machine connected to that circuit, it becomes a bit more challenging to determine which connected device is operating.

For determining if a device is on or off, a power-monitoring smart plug is an effective and inexpensive method.

Not if they were on the same circuit. Which in the U.S. would not be to code. An electric dryer has to be on its own circuit. If it’s an older home then it was probably built before the separate circuit requirement made its way into the electrical code.

On the other hand, yes, you could. It is highly unlikely that the washer and dryer each draw the same current when running, so you simply program a profile for the four possible combinations. If zero they are both off, if the sensor value is A, then it’s just one appliance, if it’s B then it’s the other appliance. If A+B then both are running.

For sure. My current thought is to use one of the in-wall receptacles that monitor a single outlet and then put something on the other (I couldn’t actually find power draw for the gas dryer, but the ZEN25 or other plugs should be fine). It’s ugly, but at least it would fulfill the desire to monitor both.

Still hoping someone knows of any lesser-known companies/products doing stuff like this.

A Propane or natural gas dryer would likely draw similar electrical power compared to a washer, I expect

Have you considered a shelly 2.5.?

Monitors two devices.
Monitors energy consumption
Rated at 2300 watts per device.


You may have to break the tab on the side of the duplex outlet to isolate top and bottom plugins to install independently.

How about this one?

Ok, time for a little simple mathematics:

I go on the european situation, as I’m familiar with that.

A regular circuit breaker around here is rated 240V~ 16A, that makes 3840W.

The Shelly says 2x10 A = 20A, that does make it safe to run two such heavy devices together, but the circuit breaker will trip.

They also say 2300W per device, that makes 4600W together, so the circuit breaker will trip.

So, even, if the Shelly is rated such high, it only says, it will not fry, when used that way, because the circuit breaker will trip earlier.

It does not matter, how much power the switch can handle, If it is more, than the circuit breaker allows…