OR + AND conditions for Conditional Card

+1 (y)
saves me in creating a template binary sensors just for this purpose.

Gotta throw my vote in here as well. I have a timer card that displays time remaining and I would love to condense that down to only running timers or have it go away when no timers are running.

+1. Need to show the batteries status, if any of them is low.

+1. Real world example: Our pool and spa temps are only valid when pumping water. I can use a conditional card for the pool temp gauge when the main pump is on. But I also want to conditionally show spa temperature when either the main pool pump or the spa pump is on.

If I want to do that today, I think I have to synthesize a sensor for this purpose. Kind of a pain given that I only need this for a Lovelace gauge.

+1 here for me


Like to see the standard condition as in automations.

condition: or
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.abc
    above: '0'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: alert.bbb
    state: 'on'

etc. Well known syntax from automations and scripts and with capability of and, or, nested and and or, …


+1 for me. Currently, we we a template to do it…

+1. I also need it.

+1 per 2022’s “Year of Streamling” theme (Streamlining Experiences - Home Assistant), needing to create a new template binary sensors to handle OR conditions, is not very streamlined.

A not so dramatic +1 here also

+1 – Def would be an improvement for me as well!

+1 definitely need this

use case: garbage collection sensor (days) is 0 or 1 (or <=1)
current workaround: entity-filter card with operator: <= / caveat: have not found a way to combine multiple conditions


Been messing around with Mushroom and I love to display a title card based on different entities but just not if any of these entities aren’t true.

So the title card is shown when i have birthday reminder OR the trash is due tomorrow OR if both conditions are true.

+1 (in case there are current OR advanced weather warnings)

+1 (in my case weather, birthdays, pollen count, garbage disposal etc.)

+1 (I would like to have it to show a grid card only if one of the alert switches in it are not idle)

Continuing the discussion from OR + AND conditions for Conditional Card:

+10 It will be really good for Ukraine air raid alarm map:

  condition: or
      - entity: binary_sensor.monastiriska_teritorialna_gromada_air
        state: 'on'
      - entity: binary_sensor.pristolichna_teritorialna_gromada_air
        state: 'on'
      - entity: binary_sensor.pristolichna_teritorialna_gromada_air
        state: 'off'
  type: iframe
  url: https://vadimklimenko.com/map/
  aspect_ratio: 65%

+1 please!

+1 (to allow media card to display if a media player is playing OR paused)