Our Google Assistant skill is live!

I’m in NL, the hass.io skill only appears in my Google Home app on my phone. The link in the blogpost is a 404.

That is correct, it was mentioned in the blog post:

Install our skill for Google Assistant. As of this writing, the link is not live yet: you can find it by opening the Google Home app

I removed all of the config I did and waited overnight to try to re-add… still doesn’t work. Ideas? No errors in Hassio and Cloud states its connected.

Edit: it started working after removing cloud in my config and restarting then re-adding.

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Overr, I had the same problem as you.
So I commented out all the google assistant code, rebooted and tried everything again - it works now.

I have 2 Echo Dot units and 1 Google Home Mini & still haven’t figured out how to get both operating & limited to certain devices using configuration. Also can’t yet see how to have Google turn off everything in my office though my Alexa can do it with groups.

I’m able to search for HASS.io but when I click on it, it opens a page with no data on it. I’m assuming geo-restriction?

I did the same thing, and can’t relink. I posted about it, but I have yet to find anyone who can assist.

@DPB61 So, I tried that before, even though I didn’t reboot, just restarted HASS.

So, as I understand it, you don’t need any google_assistant configuration in the yaml before creating/linking the skill in the Google Home app?

That did the trick!! Thanks!!

238 device found,…cool… shame the google home app is very cluncky to edit the rooms

Is there a way to expose sensor data to google assistant? For example a temperature or humidity sensor.


Changes to the config (which entities to include/exclude) require a reboot in order to translate to Google Assistant?

In the include/exclude_domains, what is the order of precedence? If you use include, does it automatically assume exclude everything else? The current docs and examples are not helpful in this regard.

Not yet, at least not so easily, as there are no Google skills supporting that for now.

You can define the rooms in the yaml file now.eg:

    room: bedroom
    room: dining room
    room: dining room
    room: dining room

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I’m getting the same thing. I’ve removed the cloud config from HASS, removed the .cloud folder, restarted, stopped, added the cloud config, restarted again, logged in successfully via the configuration panel, restarted HASS again, still getting the error.

Surely somebody must be able to help fix this?

Well, if you get rid of the previous configuration, that gets rid of the error we were having & allows you to link the skill.

Once that is done then I am hoping the configuration can get put back - I didn’t have time to test that last night.

I tried removing all the cloud config, all the google_assistant config, restarting HASS and then trying to add the skill in the app again, no success… :frowning:

I’m stomped about this one. I just can’t get it to work. Are there any logs or diagnostics that can be looked at?

So, I created a topic in the forums about this, since it seems that several others have similar issues.

Initially the blog post referenced Home Assistant 0.65 as the minimum version. This should have been 0.65.6. Make sure you run at least this version.

I’m wondering the same thing.

balloob says:

POST to /api/cloud/google_actions/sync

But I can’t get the POST to work, keeps saying “405: Method Not Allowed”