Overkiz API and Somfy API

Indeed, it works again on my side!

Works again. :slight_smile:

Ignorera That, it stopped again…

Thanks, have tried my local IP and port but still no luck. Have emailed Somfy UK support, perhaps my email will arrive in the right place.

Hello all,
I’m struggling with the API as many of you, it has been down for almost last two weeks, I have opened a case with Somfy and got an answer back asking for the status and more information if it’s still down. Apparently, it was working that afternoon :slight_smile:
Now, it’s not working anymore and I would like to see what exactly is wrong, however, I’m not that familiar with the HASS logging - is there any way I can trace the API messages and the specific error? Ie authentication problem/error code I can share with SOMFY support?


Hi, welcome on board :slightly_smiling_face: You will not find detailed message in the HA log. But, you can use the Somfy developers website to play with their API https://developer.somfy.com/somfy-open-api/apis/get/site-0
On this page, click on the Set button, login and then click on try out.
In the response tab, you will see the information you are looking for. On my side, now, the results returned by Somfy is an empty array… Normally, I must have an object with a site id.

Understood, I was hoping for a clear flow in wireshark but this seems to be good enough as well. I have the same result - empty array.


Here (Netherlands) 5 rolling shutters and 5 blinds with Tahoma box is still not working. I can add Somfy without problems, redirect to login, login and redirect succes back to HA but it doesnt load any entity.

Even when the API doesn’t give me an empty array (like right now) setup of the Somfy component fails.

You mean you still got “An error occurred” message? Currently, we have two issues, the “An error occurred” during the setup of the component, and the fact that no devices are returned by Somfy.
There is nothing I can do for this as everything happen on the Somfy servers.

Correct, I still get the “error has occurred” error when trying to first configure the component, even when the API gives me “Tahoma” in the response on the test page (which it is not any more).


@tetienne did you get Any reply from the support?

On July 1st, I got an answer saying “we are trying to solve the issue and deploy a fix quickly”. Since then, despite writing every now and then to the support, I’m still waiting for an answer or the fix…

I got a response from Somfy today.

We are facing an internal issue since last week-end. We should update Tahoma to fix this bug next Tuesday.

This was their reply in regards to the error with empty array being returned.

Hope the fix will be permanent.

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Thank you for the news. So it seems due to a communication between the Tahoma and their server. I hope their fix will be deployed world wide.
On my side, I didn’t got any answer. They are probably in vacation :beach_umbrella:

Well, I have received the answer from the French support personnel. Assuming that Somfy has centralized support for the API / SERVERS etc.

Let’s see what happens next week :slight_smile:

Works again after restart. API Is not empty.

Works for me as well. And has actually been working for a couple of hours this time. YEY! :smiley:

Here I got the same error.

Works for me too! Apparently they released their fix sooner. Good news.
@henry_boy Try to delete your application and create a new one. That’s worked for some guys.