Overkiz API and Somfy API

Sunscreen are not exposed by Somfy. I suggest you to use the Tahoma component.
@Jeoffreybauvin Sadly, still not the case.

Both of you, try to contact their support to show them we want really an upgrade of this API.

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i tried it with tahoma and ik works perfect!


Hi all :wave:! I’m looking for volunteers to help me to implement the thermostat :thermometer: within Home Assistant. Sadly, I don’t own one. So I cannot test my code in real situation.

The most difficult part is to do the mapping between the HA and the Somfy world. I have no idea on how the Somfy thermostat behaves.

If you want to help me you can override the current Somfy component by the custom one I just made. It can be done easily adding the repository https://github.com/tetienne/somfy-custom-component to HACS. In the integration tab, you will see a new component Somfy. Install it and restart HA. You will get the exact same behavior that the existing component, but with the climate platform as bonus.

Currently, only the temperature, the humidity and the current mode are implemented: https://github.com/tetienne/somfy-custom-component/blob/bb8af9490fcc2b3039df2a714c45c384510903e9/custom_components/somfy/climate.py

Any feedback or idea :bulb: will be welcome. Feel free to create an issue or event a PR on the above repository (for thermostat only).

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Je suis vraiment interessĂ© car j’ai un thermostat filaire somfy
Pouvez vous m’en dire plus svp :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for all the work and effort!

With my new Somfy blinds and shutters and a whole evening messing around I was finally able to create my first automation in HA. I am using a Somfy Connexoon.
However I notice that Somfy added 13 devices but only 8 entities, so I can’t control everything.

I tried re-creating the app at developer.somfy.com, I tried re-linkingthe integration (several times), I tried re-connecting one of the missing ones to Connexoon, but nothing seems to work.
However in the Connexoon app everything works perfectly.

Is there anything I can do to debug this more? I am so close!

Hi, to ease your setup you can use the cloud application instead of creating your own.

What you describe is really strange, normally you should have n devices for n entities. Can you share you share a screenshot for the Somfy integration devices page and a screenshot for the Somfy integration entities page?

Wow, thanks a lot in advance for that quick reply tetienne!
Can you point me in the direction of that cloud application? I followed the information on the Somfy integration page on HA.

I had to make a combination screenshot since this newbie is only allowed to attach one image :joy:

And this is the automation that I tried

- id: '1589222842185'
  alias: Rolluiken naar beneden
  - at: '21:13:00'
    platform: time
    service: cover.close_cover
        - cover.keuken
        - cover.keukendeur
        - cover.bureau
        - cover.badkamer
        - cover.laminaat_voor
        - cover.laminaat_zij
        - cover.dressing
        - cover.slaapkamer
        - cover.babykamer

I ran around the house like a maniac being super excited
 It was only short excitement though since they weren’t all working :cry:

bonjour, j’ai bien installĂ©

mais une fois recharge il n’apparait pas dans somfy intĂ©gration.

Update: I added the Somfy integration again today, and it worked. Hooray! :partying_face:

Glad to see it work again. That’s great.

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hi @tetienne,

May I ask for a few guidelines as this is a very long thread and can’t figure out what is needed at this time.

I have just installed a sunshade with Somfy Connexoon io, and its working with Somfy Connexon Terressa App with the 1 device. and within Hass I have added the Somfy Integration and was successful with the external authentication (Somfy and HomeAssistant Nasa Cloud peering). However, no devices are discovered, so I wonder if I have to install your custom-somfy-component, and if It still needed to create a Somfy dev-account, to get your component to work.


Hi, you did exactly the right thing. Sadly, the sunblade are not returned by the Somfy API. You can contact their support.
meanwhile, you can also install the Tahoma component which should support it.

Thx for promptly feedback. I will try add via Tacoma integration. But seems odd if no api is revealed as this Sunea-io device can be exposed to google assistant with the connexoon app. I will try to get some better understanding of their api and your component before I reach out to support. Regards Michael

hello everyone, I have recently purchased the somfy home alarm, with an indoor room, can this system be integrated? a guide?

@tetienne, just to followup on my Connexoon io sunshades - your guidance was spot on and very appreciated . Everything seems to work seamless with the possibility to track and set position of the sunshade. Now I just need to find a nice Card for easy control :slight_smile:

Hi, I’ve read this topic hundred times now and even ordered a connect set & go but no matter what I do my awings never show up in home assistant.

I have 2 Sunilus IO motors and they both work with google assistant but I can’t use them in home assistant

Please help me aaaarrgh getting pretty desperate now perhaps I bought the wrong motors

hello I have the somfy home alarm, I am trying to integrate at least the room, but it seems that you can only raise and lower the switch. There is no way to integrate this system?

I have been trying to get the somfy integration working to control the motors for the blinds.

In general sending a command to move the position for the blinds work. Event though I do get on occasion on of the two below issues. However, they are exceptions and most fo the times the blinds react on the first click.

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of cover.screen_linda is taking over 10 seconds

or a 502 bad gateway issue:

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url: https://api.somfy.com/api/v1/device/f24e

The more annoying issue is that it is almost impossible to read the actual state from the API. I see in the logs that there is a try a couple of times a minute and it fails every time.

This holds that I am unable to detect the actual position of the screens.

2020-05-18 15:44:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.cover] Updating somfy cover took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:15
2020-05-18 15:45:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.cover] Updating somfy cover took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:15
2020-05-18 15:45:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.cover] Updating somfy cover took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:15

Anyone seen the same behaviour? Anyone know the actual root-cause of this issue
 and even more interesting
 anyone able to resolve it?

I have also had these warnings nearly all the time I used the Official Somfy API integration. At last I switched back to the Tahoma integration and everything is working fine at the moment.

It is very sad, that an official API is more worse than an unofficial API - I don’t talk about the library of @tetienne, I talk about Somfy and the quality of their API.

Hi, sadly I and a lot of people meet also these errors. As said @rabesocke the unofficial API is more stable. I use both in my installation. The guy behind the API support is really nice, but apparently Somfy does not give him many resources.

Despite the message end user as us sent them, nothing move. Perhaps the only thing we can do now is to create an hashtag on twitter and social network to publicly shows they don’t care about their user and makes promises they don’t keep.