Owlet Setup?

I was able to get Owlet working again. I used pyowlet (credit to craigjmidwinter - pyowlet) as a starting point, pulled in the login section from owlet_monitor (credit to mbevand - owlet_monitor) and created a new python library - owletpy.

This custom component is available here.

Copy the owlet folder from the GitHub repository to /config/custom_components/.

You will then need to add the Owlet information to the config file:

  username: (email)
  password: (pw)
  name: (friendly name - this will be a prefix on all the sensors)

This will create the following sensors:

  • binary_sensor.(name)_base_station - Base Station On/Off
  • binary_sensor.(name)_battery_charging - Battery Charging On/Off
  • binary_sensor.(name)_movement - Movement On/Off
  • binary_sensor.(name)_sock_on - Sock On/Off
  • sensor.(name)_battery_level
  • sensor.(name)_heart_rate
  • sensor.(name)_oxygen_level
  • sensor.(name)_sock_connection - Status Number, not sure of the values yet.

The sensors are set to update every 30 seconds. Sensors are set to ‘off’ when readings are unavailable.

Still working through some changes, not sure how the Sock On sensor is working yet or what the sock connection numbers mean.

DISCLAIMER: This is an initial release and as such, there may be problems. Owlet may also change the API at any point making this no longer work.

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@cab426 I followed these steps and also have it working this is great!

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@cab426 Easy setup and working great with no issue. Thank you!!

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Alright it looks like I’ve jinxed myself… Did a reboot today, unrelated to the Owlet integration, and it’s failing now.

Logs mention authentication, but I didn’t change anything in my owlet config since it was working last night. I’ve double and triple checked my email & password and made sure they’re correct.

@cab426 or @AJG - Either of you having issues or is it just me?

I am seeing the same issue. I should have some time to look into it today or tomorrow. Hopefully it’s an easy fix.

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I pushed an update to the owletpy python package. Looks like some changes to the login. Credit to mbevand for the fix.

I updated the custom component repo to reflect the new python package change. You can grab the whole folder or just make the single change to the manifest.json for the component. The requirements from ["owletpy==1.0.11"] to ["owletpy==1.0.12"]

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That did the trick, thanks a bunch!

Pushed an update to the custom component to handle the deprecated devices in HA and a logging update. Only changes to the binary_sensor.py file.

@cab426 does the history inside the owlet app still work for you? Im having some issues and wondering if its due to HA being connected?

My history has only worked once or twice (that I’ve looked) since I’ve owned the camera - about a year. It was that way prior to putting this together. It’s a common issue from what I’ve seen. I would chat with support and see if they can get it cleared up for you.

Hey folks, does this still work for you? Al I get is the following:

The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:

Please check your config.

Any help appreciated. And yeah, I have “owletpy==1.0.12” on my json file. @cab426 does your still work?

Still working for me. No issues setting up the platform.

And to confirm, your configuration.yaml follows this:

  username: (Username)
  password: (Password)
  name: Owlet

Yeah, I just have name as something else and don’t have the username and password surrounded by parenthesis.

Are any of the above necessary?

The parenthesis was just to show UN/PW.

UN/PW are the only required fields. Name is optional.

And you have the newest files from the github repository? Copied the owlet folder the custom_components in your HA config folder?

Pretty sure I have them all in the right place, but please let me know if I’m being dumb.

Not being dumb at all. It looks all good from the setup side. What version of HA are you running? No issues with the Owlet App at home? Is your HA instance behind anything that could be blocking it?

Thank you for your support. So I am using HA (latest) on a Raspberry PI configured as a docker container. It is able to access every other “thing” in the house.

The Owlet app works well with my phone. I am in Europe though and I know there’s a different server Owlet uses for Europe, so not sure that’s to be taken into consideration.

Thanks again

It is Europe. I only had this set up for non-European users.

There is a new version on GitHub that addresses this and pulls the updated owletpy (1.0.14).

In the config file, add this:
region: europe

The default region is world if not specified.

You are going to be my tester on this, so let me know how it goes.

Yes! I updated it to the new version and everything works as expected now! Thank you so much and let me know if you’d like ay logs or any more tests!

You are very welcome! Great to hear it is working. No logs or extra testing needed if it all works. Let me know if you run into any issues.