Owntrack ibeacon single zone (was overlapping zones)

Can I make the owntrack zone’s “enter” and “leave” events override normal latitude/longitude?

I would like to turn on my fountain when I’m at home and in my garden. I have set up an ibeacon in owntrack named “-mybeacon” (with lat = 0 and lon = 0) that I can see sends the “enter” and “leave” MQTT messages.

zone 1:
  name: Home
  latitude: X.xxxx
  longitude: Y.yyyy
  radius: 50
  icon: mdi:castle

zone 2:
  name: -mybeacon
  latitude: 0
  longitude: 0
  radius: 10
  icon: mdi:barcode

With this setup, the owntrack sends the enter event but I’m still placed in the Home zone.

owntracks/ownTrack/device/event {"_type":"transition","acc":0.0,"desc":"-mybeacon","event":"enter","lat":0.0,"lon":0.0...

When approaching the zones, I would first like to be placed in zone 1 based on latitude/longitude, and when HA receives a “-mybeacon” “enter” I would like to be registered in zone 2, until a “-mybeacon” “leave” event arrives.

I’m still fairly new to Home Assistant and think I probably missed something…

(Running Home Assistant 0.25.2 on raspberryPI 3 (Jessie Lite) with Razberry and Tellstick Duo.)

Update: I have now realized that an ibeacon zone in Home Assistant should a) not include the ‘-’ in the name, and b) It should be configured as passive: true. I have now reduced my configuration to a single zone, but I will still never be assigned to it:

zone 2:
  name: mybeacon
  latitude: X.xxxx
  longitude: Y.yyyy
  radius: 10
  passive: true
  icon: mdi:barcode

I have since also added coordinates to the owntrack zone, removed the ‘-’ from the name, and Home Assistant claims it gets the event, but still no update to the status…

INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event mqtt_message_received[L]: topic=owntracks/ownTrack/device/event, qos=1, payload={"_type":"transition","acc":0.0,"desc":"mybeacon","event":"enter","lat":X.xxxx,"lon":Y.yyyy,"tid":"e4","trigger":"b","tst":1471124021,"wtst":1470860353}>

I think the name HA is using is “zone 2” - I think if you change this to “mybeacon” it will work.

Actually, I converted the zones to a list, and using my workaround (for issue #2830), this now works as expected.

- name: Home
  latitude: X.xxxx
  longitude: Y.yyyy
  radius: 50
  icon: mdi:castle

- name: mybeacon
  latitude: X.xxxx
  longitude: Y.yyyy
  radius: 10
  passive: true
  icon: mdi:barcode