Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

First of all, I would like to congratulate @ronhks for a great job and the integration of Aquarea with HomeAssitant.

The above configuration.yaml examples from @ronhks and @fonso were very useful and everything works! Thanks guys.

I wanted to ask how to set the temperature using: /water/temp/set

water-temp-set aquarea

I didn’t see an example in this topic for this option, and I’d really like to see it. Unfortunately, I’m completely new and learning about HomeAssistant’s capabilities. Can I ask for an example using this /water/temp/set - maybe there is a thermostat in home assistant or something similar to control temperature using mqtt? Thanks for help

Hi there,
n00b question, please be gentle! :slight_smile:

After pulling the image to Docker Desktop in Windows, where can I find /etc/config.example for editing?


Hi Lian!

If you would like to modify the temperature, you have to put a message on the /water/temp/set topic, in JSON format, with the newTemp variable. As you can see in the sample.

In HA there is thermostat functionality .

Hi kasplv!

On windows, you can do the same as on linux.

Create a folder and a config file in it, for example on c:\pana-config . So you can run the docker img like this:
docker run --name panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt -v c:\pana-config:/app/etc ronhks/panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt

This command runnable on Command Line.

Hi ronks, I have put the “config.example” file to “config” folder that I have created, and when I executed docker run command:

docker run --name panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt -v /home/pi/panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt/config:/app/etc ronhks/panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt

I recieved on my raspberry following command: exec format error
, what could be wrong?

Hello everyone,

First of all thanks a lot @ronhks for all the hard work in the MQTT integration, you have done (and continue doing) a terrific job with it!

I’ve been working on a native integration as I have an Aquarea device at home and I wanted to share it with you all, to offer another alternative to the amazing MQTT Integration.

I did my best as my device (1 zone cool and heat with external sensor) doesn’t support every single feature of Panasonic Aquarea devices. I’d really appreciate and I’d be super thankful if you guys can test it and provide some feedback, ideas, issues that you may find… I’ve tested it for some time on my installation and hopefully it’ll be useful for more people :slight_smile:

The first version is currently available as a custom repository on HACS:

  • Configuration from the UI (no YAML, yaay)
  • Climate entity per device zone that allows you to control the operation mode, read the current temperature of the water in the device/zone and (if the zone supports it), change the target temperature.
  • Sensor entity for the outdoor temperature.
  • Water heater entity for the hot water tank (if the device has one), that allows you to control the operation mode (enabled/disabled), read the current temperature of the water in the tank and set the target temperature.
  • Diagnostic sensor to indicate if the device has any problem (such not enough water flow).




Congratulation Carlos! :clap:
It’s a pleasure to see the full integration from you! It was on my roadmap, but in this case I will have time :slight_smile:

I tried to install it, but i run into a problem. After I installed the custom repo in HACS, at the intergration page, I can not see the “Aquarea Smart Cloud” integraion. :confused:

My HA + HACS is up-to-date.

Do you need any log?


ps.: I updated my repo’s readme :wink:

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Thanks Zsolt!

Sometimes if after restarting HA the integration doesn’t appear it could be the UI cache. A full refresh (ctrl + F5 on Windows/ Command(⌘)-Shift-R on Mac) could help. Or just to be sure, opening an in-private session. Please let me know if this doesn’t work.

When adding the integration, it will appear without a logo/icon. I have the PR opened for that on the brands repo but still pending on review:

Thanks Carlos!

Thats worked!

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Great job everyone! I have a setup with 2 zones, water tank and additional pcb for the zones and I will test the integration immediately after I am back from holiday.

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Thank You for that job!
During installation there were no problems. For now, I’ve tested tank heating and temp. sensors. Everything works. I was waiting for that integration :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much to Carlos.
I would like to set up automations to start the hot water tank.
How could I do? What commands should I use to set it ON and OFF? Or to send temperature change? I can do everything by hand from the graphical interface but I don’t know how to use it in automations. I tried “turn_on” but it returns error.

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Thanks Andrea :slight_smile:

That’s a limitation of the water heater entity, it supports the following operations, but it doesn’t include a “turn_on” or “turn_off” one :frowning:

water_heater.set_temperature , water_heater.turn_away_mode_on , water_heater.turn_away_mode_off , water_heater.set_temperature

I had a lot of doubts on how to implement the water heater entity with Aquarea devices, to support the actions “on” and “off” but also to show via the interface if the heat pump is heating the water of the water tank or not: it can be turned on but the heat pump could be heating water for the heating floor (or cooling it) so the state/operation would be like “idle”.

While it doesn’t support turn_off, we can define the state as “STATE_OFF” or “STATE_HEAT_PUMP”:

I’ve implemented this via operations and so far the device accepts 2: heating and off:

Turn on:

service: water_heater.set_operation_mode
  entity_id: water_heater.aerotermia_tank
  operation_mode: heating

Turn off:

service: water_heater.set_operation_mode
  entity_id: water_heater.aerotermia_tank
  operation_mode: off

For setting the temperature would be like this:

service: water_heater.set_temperature
  entity_id: water_heater.aerotermia_tank
  temperature: 42

I’m not sure if this is the best way including right operation names (perhaps off and on is better here…) or we could use also the away mode to turn it off and on (not sure however if this the intention behind that mode)…

I’m completely opened to feedback and I would really appreciate everyone’s opinion here. I’ve opened an issue on the integration repo as well to keep track of it: Discussion: Water Entity for Water Tank implementation · Issue #18 · cjaliaga/home-assistant-aquarea · GitHub

Hallo Carlos.
Congratulations for your work.
Unfortunatelly I cannot configure the integration. The username and PSW of aquarea smart cloud are correct and I can use it in, but I cannot configure it in home assistant.
This is the registry log:

Questo errore ha avuto origine da un’integrazione personalizzata.

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: custom_components/aquarea/
Integration: Aquarea Smart Cloud (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:04:03 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:28:10

Error setting up entry [email protected] for aquarea
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 327, in async_setup
result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
File “/config/custom_components/aquarea/”, line 64, in async_setup_entry
await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups(entry, PLATFORMS)
AttributeError: ‘ConfigEntries’ object has no attribute ‘async_forward_entry_setups’

I tried many times, the cache is empty , I restarted home assistant many times and the panasonic app is off.
Could you help me ? Thanks Bye

Hey Roberto, what version of home assistant are you currently running? The integration requieres to be running on >= 2022.8 due to this: Waiting for config entry platforms | Home Assistant Developer Docs

2022.2.8 … I’ll update.
Thanks, I’ll let you kow…

Thanks Carlos!!!
It works: 1 device 4 entità!!!
You have done a beatiful job!
I would like to see also some technical parameters ( cop, kw, ) I can read on aquarea display , and I’ll study about.
Thankyou again for help and your job.
Bye R

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COP is a must!

The consumption sensors are planed :slight_smile:

Not sure if using the Aquarea Smart API we will be able to query other values like COP, and unfortunately I’m almost sure not real time values, we will rather need to wait a bit for them, for example waiting until 1AM to pick the values from 00:00 to 01:00. I’ll investigate the best way of adding them to the integration.

Hi all.
First of, thanks for amazing job! I am looking into heat pomps for my new house and I have been looking into Panasonic. I understand you need their third party cloud to be able to connect it to HA.
One of my requirenments is No third party clouds. I was wondering if there is no way to hook up HA to the pomp directly somehow. if it has a way to communicate with outside, there should be way to ommit the cloud. Do you know anyone looking into it? Has anyone of you did?