Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

Sorry @XiteKnight I missed your message. Correct, this is the repo link :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll try to get the repo on the default HACS list so thereā€™s not even need of adding the repo URL to find the integration. I was waiting on having the logos added before doing that but since thatā€™s taking a lot to get reviewed, I may do it now.


Thanks a lot @muppeth. Iā€™m with you and I try to remove external clouds as much as possible. Thereā€™s a project where you can build your own device that replaces the Panasonic device to connect to their cloud and use it locally: GitHub - Egyras/HeishaMon: Panasonic Aquarea air-water H and J series protocol decrypt

However, I decided to not go via this path for my heat pump and use the Panasonic server. These devices are expensive and for the time being I prefer to have Panasonic as a control plane for all the commands. That said, Iā€™d also like to have direct control without their cloud, maybe Iā€™ll try that path in the future.

Hello Carlos,

Thanks for your Integration! It works fine!
Do you know the service cloud? There are much more Informations. It would be very nice if you are able to set up also an Integration for the Service cloud. Then you have all data from the heatpump or aircondition!

An important value are:

  • return temperature
  • flow temperature
  • operating mode


Best regards and thanks again for your excellent Integration!

Hi Carlos, thanks for the great integration, when I run this integration, i get in Home assistant log following error:

Is there something I missed?


Thanks @kommis!

Yes Iā€™ve looked at the service account and I have to say that API is a pain in the *** to say something :joy:

That said, the main goal of the integration is to work as much as possible with aquarea smart as itā€™s what most people uses, the service one is for installers, even if we can register ourselves as installers (as we both have done :grin:).

We can study the possibilities in the future, either with a complementary integration or trying to extend this one in a way that makes sense.

Most or these values can be obtained with aquarea smart, however, as you said, some of them are things that, from my investigations, I only found possible using the service account: like the pump flow or the possibility of fully restarting the device when thereā€™s an error

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Hello @Mavo,

I think this is the last type of zone sensor (Thermistor) that Iā€™m missing on the integration. Let me add it and publish a new version of the integration that supports it.

Iā€™ll write you when itā€™s published so you can test it out and let me know if everything works as expected for you.


@Mavo Release v0.1.6 Ā· cjaliaga/home-assistant-aquarea Ā· GitHub is published and should appear shortly on HACS.

Please let me know if everything works as expected with your configuration.


Thanks for your answer. I think you need the return temperature and flow temperature for your house temperature. Because you need to know how warm/cold is your temperature.

Is that possible from the smart cloud? Because I dont see this attributes in the smart cloud. I see only the flow temperature.

best regards :slight_smile:

Great job Carlos, new version is working. Thank you for quick response and new version!

I have another issue with this integration. I have heat pump with 2 zones: is named as ā€˜podlahovkaā€™ (= floor heating)
2nd is ā€˜radiatorā€™

In home assistant I see only entity ID climate.majco_podlahovka, second zone is missing (look at next post).

I donā€™t know if itā€™s related with this error in HA log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: helpers/
Integration: KlimatizƔcia (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 20:14:26 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:20:26

Platform aquarea does not generate unique IDs. ID None_heatpump already exists - ignoring climate.majco_podlahovka

What do you think?


I canā€™t add more than 1 image in one post, this is what I see under integration:

Thanks a lot @Mavo, we couldnā€™t test the integration with 2 zones yet. This is really helpful!

Could you please do me a favor and open an issue on the GitHub repo Sign in to GitHub Ā· GitHub with all these details? Iā€™ll track it there and work on it as soon as possible.

Sure, no problem, already opened :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot Carlos,

After waiting for so long I have tested the integration and it worked. Finally I can almost ditch the crappy panasonic app and use HA, great job!

If I have to set priorities in the further development for this will be:

  1. Energy sensors - Heating, cooling and tank consumption, heating, cooling and tank generation and heating, cooling and tank COP
  2. Direct control without cloud
    3 . Second zone support
  3. Buffer tank sensor and 3 way vavle position
  4. Backup electrical heater amd sterilization status
  5. Hydrobox inlet and outler temperature
  6. All other sensors

I have the bellow setup, if anything has to be tested let me know!

Greay job!

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2 things that I noticed -

  1. The tank temperature statistics shows the set temperatureā€™s graph instead of the current temperature. This is why the graph stays always on 53 which makes no sense.

  2. On the thermostat card in the modes you have Heat/Cool which is confusing and should be called Auto as it is in the Aquarea.


I think Iā€™ve found the problem. Thereā€™s an issue in the entity unique_id generation in the integration. This ID is an internal Home Assistant id, is not the one that we normally use, like Iā€™ll fix that in the new release. These are the good news.

Now with the possible bad news. The unique id will be now properly defined. However, the consequence of that is for home assistant they will be new entities. This is something that needs to be done to fix this issue and to avoid other issues in the future.

Here we have 2 possibilities:

  1. Iā€™m able to migrate the unique_ids, which will mean few to none visible changes.
  2. Iā€™m not able to migrate the unique_ids, so it will generate the right ids on startup and if the integration was already installed, new entities will appear.

Letā€™s see an example of option 2:

  1. climate.mydevice_myzone is already created
  2. a new entity will appear with climate.mydevice_myzone_2.
  3. climate.mydevice_myzone will need to be manually deleted
  4. climate.mydevice_myzone_2 should be renamed back to climate.mydevice_myzone

I donā€™t like the consequences of possibility 2 and I do apologize for that. Iā€™ll see what I can do here. Iā€™ll let you know.

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For option 2, is only onetime thing, right ?
Then for me, is no problem, integration is 0.16 version :wink:

If we delete integration and then re-add it will correctly create unique ids

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Yes, it would be a onetime thing, just the first time you update to something > 0.1.6. Deleting and recreating would do exactly that, yes.

Being honest, doing it that way saves me some time that I can spend on adding more features (and unfortunately time is limited) :smile:

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I agree with @shajek, recreation integration is absolute not a problem :slight_smile:
@cjaliaga, you really donā€™t need to waste your time finding solution for this IMHO :sunglasses:

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Iā€™ll do it this way then. Iā€™ll add a breaking change message on the change log :slightly_smiling_face:


I published v0.2.0 with the breaking change and support for multiple zones. @Mavo please let me know when you have time of checking it if everything works as expected for you.


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