Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

Tested it and works okay for me. Fingers crossed that the next step will benthe consumption sensors :grinning:

Same here, second zone is available now and integration works as expected. Great job @cjaliaga :+1:. Looking forward for new features.

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Thank you very much. itā€™s work fine with WH-SDC16H6E5 Unit.

As an alternative, if you use the heishamon device to connect your aquarea heatpump to an MQTT server, Iā€™ve released an integration which works only locally (no connection to the Panasonic cloud).

Here are a few screenshots:


Iā€™ve used Heishamon integration about 3 month for now and Iā€™m very happy with it. Panasonic cloud solution didnā€™t work very stable for me (often disconnects).


Hi, your heishamon integration works only with the separate device or this is also working on Panasonic Wifi module flashed with GoHeishaMon software GitHub - lsochanowski/GoHeishaMon: port of to golang to run directly on CZ-TAW1

This port seems to use same mqtt topics so i think it will work. Try and open an issue if it does not work!

I tried this port as well, but failed. After that I ordered Heishamon board.

Hello, Iā€™m quite fresh in it. How can I ā€œgetā€ in Grafana temperature of heating water (entity: I can see it in dashboard, but as ā€œtotal entityā€ not a value.


It is been a long time since there has been some updates. Is the integration development still alive? I guess the most requested thing right now should be the consumption sensors.

I built Grafana graphs from Influxdb data.


Iā€™m really looking forward the consumption sensors as well. The integration is great, and Iā€™m only missing this information. Thanks for the effort!

Me tooā€¦ Seem like the integration is not developed that much recently.

Hi Carlos
Iā€™ve been wanting to say this for some time.
Thanks to your work, Home Assistant is now controlling my 9 kW Panasonic All In One - keeping my family warm and at the same time avoiding the expensive hours - with almost no intervention from my side.
Panasonic should pay you for this :slight_smile:
I would be happy to send you some payment, but I donā€™t know how/if that would work through github.
Greetings from Denmark

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Hey @XiteKnight,

Thanks a lot for your kind words, Iā€™m really happy to hear that the integration was useful to you and your family, thatā€™s what matters here :slight_smile:

And thanks a ton, this means a lot to me :heart: I enabled the GitHub Sponsors on integration repo so that should work. Thanks again!!


Is it currently possible to see the complete data of the heat pump (those visible on the service cloud) or only those from the smart cloud?

Unfortunately not,

Consumption is not visible which is why I decided to disable the integration in favor of the Panasonic comfort cloud app as consumption is essential.

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app on smartphone ?

hate to say this as I really appreciate the hard work put into developing this integration, I also disabled it because the set heating schedule was ignored for few timesā€¦

Wouldnā€™t it be possible to create an integration that reads data from via a web scrap?