Panasonic bluray platform

This is defying my understanding. I have edited my configuration.yaml file to include the panasonic_bluray media player definition but I cannot get HA to pass the configuration check. I have commented out the entries and uncommented them sequentially, testing the config on each step. When the first two lines are uncommented the configuration check recognizes the panasonic_bluray platform and only complains that the host: entry is missing. Nothing I have tried with the host: entry changes the error ‘mapping values are not allowed here’ except the column indicated in the error message.

  - platform: panasonic_bluray 

HA ver. 2021.12 installation in Docker

It appears that despite the sample code on the panasonic_bluray platform page, the “-” in the platform: entry line, removing it makes this work. Unfortunately, while the panasonic_bluray entity is now available in my configuration, there seems to be no communication with the DP-UB820 player. I have double checked the IP address. Perhaps there is a setting I have missed in the player.

I created a feature request here:

Old Post, but after spending a few nights banging my head up against the wall, I thought I would share how I finally figured things out, so others don’t make the same assumptions I did. :wink:

Have you enabled Remote Connections in your bluray Network Settings?

I have an older DMP-BDT220 (which is supported), but I was beating my head against the wall until I figured out i had to change the Remote setting. I hope that helps.

Also check out Panacotta

pip install panacotta

from a box running python will allow you to test to see whether your bluray is supported.

Good Luck!