Hello, now I have this problem.
Just integrated Comfort Cloud in HA but I’m not able to see the temperature set.
Can somebody help me to solve this problem since regularly you should see the last temperature set?
Integration works great, although it seems there isn’t a horizontal swing attribute:
I’m not sure if this is a limitation or a bug, but the image in post 26 would indicate that the attribute used to exist. Regardless, I managed to mirror the Simple Thermostat card @sockless posted and used buttons to call the set_horizontal_swing_mode
If this is a limitation, is there any way to at least retrieve the current horizontal position through an additional service call? I tried playing around with the custom component files, but I’m new to Python (and Home Assistant in general) and didn’t get anywhere.
Horizontal swing modes are exposed with device_state_attributes(self)
It has been deprecated for extra_state_attributes
See Warning that custom component is using device_state_attributes
So try to change the property to extra_state_attributes
I am so sorry if this has been answered already but I was not able to find anything about this topic.
Is there any way to send the commands for „boost/powerful“ and „silent/quiet“ these are the two modes I use the most.
If you’re using the standard thermostat card, then you need to click on the three dots. Quiet and Powerful are labelled “Eco” and “Boost” under presets:
That did the trick! Thank you.
A sidenote, but how did you get that thermostat card to look like yours?
Hi. I’m wondering if anyone has a multisplit. 2x1 (or more)
When I look for the consumption values, both splits has the same consumption, even the office split has not been used that day.
Therefore, can I assume that the consumption is controlled for or takes values from the compressor or exterior unit?
Thanks in advance
Looks like the Panasonic CC app, not HA.
Hi @oaragues,
Same here, multisplit 3x1 and energy consumption seems to be cumulated. If I think about it - it’s even better for me, as I’m planning for an automation to only use ACs for heating when there’s solar surplus.
Same actually happens in the Comfort Cloud app - if you browse statistics of all indoor modules, you’d see that the consumption is the same - even for the units that didn’t work that day.
is there a way to get the current power value per device quicker? Its very slow, sometimes i need to wait 15 Minutes until the actual value is displayed. So my automations don’t work
Any way to get this?
Hi there,
unfortunately, since HA 2023.7.0, some of the AC’s are not recognized by the Integration.
In my case randomly 2-4 out of six AC’s are missing after a restart.
On GitHub there are already reports about this Problem.
It would be very nice if someone with expertise (Jimmy E. ) could take on this topic.
Thank you very much!
I also had issues, but after I deleted the integration, and re-added it, it works smooth again
Man, you did my day!
Deleting and reinstalling made it.
Best regards
Great…my guess something changed in the api, and because of it, a new key is required…
or maybe not…who knows
Hi, I have the issue too. Seems related to the daily energy sensor. When I had only two device, everything was working. Then I added a third, and it started not recognizing one or two device randomly. If i remove the energy sensor, everything is working again, but I can’t track my energy then…
Exactly the same behavior here, I use 2 devices, one of them would fail to initialize randomly.
After I re-added the integration, both started working again normally
Hello everyone.
I have one question, it is possible to replace the inside temperature sensor from the split and make it another temperature sensor that’s already in home assistant?
That way I could read the temperature from a sensor that it is at my shoulder height when at the sofa and not the temperature at ceiling height.
My goal is for that sensor (the one on my shoulder height) to control the “auto Inactivity” of the split when it reaches the desired temperature. Which is more accurate to my feeling that the one in the ceiling (split)
Also, in the climate. card can’t edit the reading sensor or don’t found how to do that.
I managed in the custom components to hide the option FAN ONLY which is not supported in my units, easily by adding a # in front of the options and it has an immediate change in the climate card.
This integration is amazing BTW it works flawlesly since day 1 for me.
My HA system is doing what I think you want. There is no need to replace any of the Panasonic sensors; my automation uses a different sensor as the test to check when to turn the Panasonic system on and off.
Here is my automation YAML - note you have to use a template as a trigger.
is my heat pump
is a Xiaomi temperature sensor in my lounge.
alias: Air - Start Heat if lounge is <= 2 °C from setpoint
description: Turns on if the current temp on Fanny is 2 degrees below setpoint
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{{ states('sensor.climate_lounge_temperature')|float(0) <=
(state_attr('climate.fanny', 'temperature')|float(0) - 2) }}
hours: 0
minutes: 3
seconds: 0
- service: climate.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: climate.fanny
- service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_5
message: >-
🔥 Heater turned on automatically. Setpoint is {{
state_attr('climate.fanny', 'temperature')|float(0) }} and the lounge
temp is {{ states('sensor.climate_lounge_temperature')|float(0) }}. The
HP sensor is {{
state_attr('climate.fanny','current_temperature')|float(0) }}.
title: 🔥 Heater turned on
enabled: true
- service: logbook.log
message: An automation turned on the heat because it was cold!
entity_id: climate.fanny
mode: single
Thanks. I’ll take a look after work!
But first look It looks like this automation is used to turn on the heat. I don’t want to turn it on or off.
What I would like is to replace the sensor (internal split sensor) reading that sets to IDLE the cooling/heating process of the air and only moves it with the fan.
My guess is that I have to change something in the internal *.py files of the comfort cloud integration and change that sensor to MY sensor, but I don’t know where it is, I couldn’t find the internal sensor definition/declaration.