Partial no internet on HASS proxmox after HASS OS update

from hass cli i can ping all dns servers and even internal servers

In my opinion it would work best if ā€œhass systemā€ use hass-dns ( .3 ), and supervisor Routers Lan Address. ( Tried with fallback: false ? )
Im absolute no fan of Google, and have no experience of CloudFlare

hmm ok, yes im not using google at all, that was just for testing, but it aint working.

i found out when using cli hs ping the docker ip it does not ping 100% fail
i pinged the ip from the above screenshot when typing ha network info

however and does ping



on my second system i did what u said, using the supervisor lan address

still no luck

i believe .0 is a network, not a device :slight_smile:

ā€¦ beside you still have ā€œfallback trueā€

how can i change it to false ?

dns options

ha dns options --fallback=false

after that i did ha network reload, still nothing



Dug up a reddit thread where the OP had the same problem and figured it was content filtering on their router. Maybe will help.

many thanks for tht link.
Ive seen it, but that guy had a virusscanner active on his router.
and he had this on his first install, while i had it after upgrading.

but he had a workarround,

Spinning up a VM Supervised so I can have control over the OS, I can edit `/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf`

& change it to https , reboot, and everything works. While I could go that route, just bothers me that it does not work if I use HAOS without changing that.

However if i go into that file there is nothing in it besides this

Very very strangeā€¦

what i did not try yet is to disconnect my ISP router and let it reconnect again.
also not working

also checked this, donā€™t think its normal


I did buy an other pc, different hardware etc.
so i did re-install HASS OS on a new Proxmox server, and still that issue.

its driving me nuts lol.

How did you install HA? Did you use tteckā€™s helper scripts? This is the easiest way to do it. I used it and worked instantly.

yep i used that one.

even on my new system its stuck on the (getting ready page)

Sorry, Iā€™m stuck.

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Same issue as you.

yep and i did try his workarround, see my post

the same guy posted on reddit, using that method, but doesnt work for me.

So if it let me update updates with this command

ha jobs options --ignore-conditions internet_host

what is the issue that home assistant blocks it ?
this lets me only update something not look for new updates or hacs updates

well just borrowed an laptop to install HASSOS on that laptop with Virtualbox and same issueā€¦
so there must be something else,

what i try to do is run the 10.4 on that one and see if that works.

i did now go to m ypf sense and delete all dns entries and let it just use the dns from my isp, still not working.

i borrowed a laptop and tried 10.5 on virtualbox windows 11 no luck
i did try 10.4 and not working also.

right now im out of options, did isp block me ??