Partial no internet on HASS proxmox after HASS OS update

reverted the pf sense settings back to how it was, as chaning it to stock did not work.

  1. Status \ [DNS Resolver]

checked the dns, and also github, i did test because hacs doesnt update as well, getting forbiden return.

Error fetching data from HACS: 403, message='Forbidden', url=URL('')


I found the ******* issue, guess what, my isp blocked homeassistant lmao.
i used a vpn and the update problem is gone, also i could not connect to hacs, gave me an forbidden code…

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WTH. :+1: Who could imagine that?

i was digging into the logs and seen that hacs was getting a forbidden error, that was odd, so i started typing the url in my browser and it worked, but my laptop was running over vpn, so i shut it down and did try again and boom banned, same as home assistant.

whats kinda weird is that why does it work with vpn ? what kind of ip is banned?
this makes no sense at all…
i must say there was an issue with my isp a week ago, they did cut me off because of a wrong reason of payment… well it was resolved within a 2 hours, but did not had an issue…
i need to see if you guys know some hosts or ip’s i can try and see what ones are blocked so i can call the isp to ask why…

atleast i know ( is banned…

run a tracert, you might get stucked at cloudflare :slight_smile:

can i do that on the hass machine ?
as i don’t use cloudflare, i added it today.

u right, i disabled my pc vpn i get directly on this website a question if im human…
what can i do ?
i did before try to get rid of all dns, did not solve anything.

here the tracert

well i did mean trace to hacs , not google ( or any other NS’s) , as i said i kind of refuse/avoid google, also cloudflare(in a direct matter) only ha -internal-dns, mdns, router ( internal ), and “external” router, isp-provided dns … ha -system.- dns(default ip), HA “locals” -dns ( and ipv4 nameserver) is my routers lan-ip 192.168.x.1 … thats it , NO nor nor nor

I have always played it simple, and it works, im still puzzled about all DNS/Resolv issues people have her

BTW have you checked your /config ? whether there is a “newly” added/changed Yaml-file “IpBan”

PS: And you do indeed use Google, Cloudflare and Quad9, as NS ??? are you afraid that your “packets” don’t find it’s ways, or do you think it’s faster or something, to use 3 different DNS-services ? … Maybe it in fact mess it all up ? :wink:

Edit: This can’t be default settings, which service/app require this behavior ?

Not that i think it has much to do with a “possible” Ban, but maybe “someone” got tired of your “requests” , Not necessarily your ISP ( as you seems to avoid their DNS-service, as i expect they have, ever decent ISP Provides a DNS-service )

BTW. Have you tried updating HACS via the Terminal in HA, with wget, to exclude browser-plugin-issues

Well never mind, i just went through the Add-ons you listed in your reported github “issue” , i believe you might have quite a few log-files and settings to go through :slight_smile:

Good Luck ( Don’t forget about the 401 / 403 / false 512, and make sure NGINX works as intended, and be careful with the Portainer)

ok first of all thanks for your reply.

I use a couple of dns services, and the all work very good, and i recently added only to test yesterday.

Yes i use quad9 aswell

but like i said in my previous post, i did also disable all dns options and put it back to stock so it uses my default dns from my isp, still no luck with that, so its NOT a dns issue.

Second of all the dns resolution behaviour is not default, i did to that to test if it changed something but also not.

Im really aware about DNS and networking, have many many years experience with that.
So i’m very sure my isb did ban my requests somehow…

But than we got a other question, why does it work with vpn ? the vpn is setup with the same DNS settings as without vpn, even tested by putting everything back to stock and let it use the dns from my ISP.

i don’t use any dns blocker service or whatever, this just really happened after i updated hassOS, if the problem was before i could not even do the update… but of course something maybe changed during the full restart, as i mentioned before i did had an issue with my isp for disabling my internet because of an issue what wasn’t my problem.

I did also run my IP trough ip ban lists and it somehow only got added to 1 database, but thats email related…

its very frustrating, so soon i gonna move to other isp as vpn works.

I did check again today if it was really an issue with a dns, but no.
when starting using the dns (default settings) from my isp when checking homeassistant updates the images did not appear aswell, but all add-ons and other internet related stuff work.

So my (temporary fix) to use a VPN on that HASS ip fixed my issue on all my servers.
I ordered new internet from a different isp, i will report back if i got it.
should be within 2 weeks.

If anyone has some other suggestions please let me know.

regards and thanks to all who replied or helped me :slight_smile:

as a little update, i posted my question again and ask about my DNS, and its ruled out the dns is an issue.

So whoever has this same problem, it can be more things.

  1. DNS (check your dns)
  2. Blacklisted (like i had) solved with new ip.
  3. Your pfsense config sux.

For me it was solved with nr2 of the list

Blacklisted where, and for what reason ?

No reason given, my isp sometimes act like stupid.
had this 2x in my life for no reason.

So what i did was asking a new ip and problem solved.
However my ip was nowhere blacklisted in the known databases, so this issue came from my isp after all.

Serious ? , so you telling me that your ISP Blacklist The IP-number they them self gave you, as a paying customer, and they done it twice( blacklist one of their own provided IP-numbers) for no reasons, and didn’t inform you

ok, somehow i feel you have to get use to that procedure, or try to get a better communication with your provider maybe

No they did not block my ip itself, they did block the requests it made to specific websites and connections needed for home-assistant.

I could not update any HACS updates(retrieve) or Home Assistant updates.
But it worked with an vpn…

Like all my scrape websites i needed for data where blocked.
My ISP due some stupid new rules probably they’r system did not restore my ip | connection after a faulty accuse of not paying services… after my lawyers contacted them it was restored but not as it should be, and i noticed it when i could not update home-assistant at all.

So after they gave me an new ip it works, but soon (if finished) i will go on an other ISP.

Well i can partly understand that, as they can be considered as a “Crawler” for someone who don’t know better :slight_smile:

well i was not reported nor blacklisted by any of those websites.

Like i said before there was an issue i got accused for not paying for the internet provider (mixing me up) with someone else.
They blocked my internet and everything, till my lawyers contacted them they restored it, but not as it should be.

Many websites did not work, i find out after i wanted to upgrade home-assistant and hacs plugins.

Well still an IP Provider, can have a policy, to prevent their customers from using/misusing their “service” in (what they find as) an inappropriate way, At the same time, if another company find that an IP number are i.e spamming or using i.e crawlers, they hardly report that back to this particular “IP-user”, but to the provider, so they can decide for appropriate actions.

Your other “experience” i don’t even wanna commend

yes this provider in my country needs to report that, u get a call or email.
My lawyers did ask them, and there was no report nor problem with my IP.

Just something went wrong restoring my subscription and ip, thats all.

It depends the country where you live.