(Jon Miles)
October 4, 2020, 12:04pm
I am trying to set up a mimic light for a bedroom light.
basically if one changes colour - i need the mimic light to match that colour.
how do i pass the array rgb_color from one node to another, please?
data.new_state.attributes.rgb_color needs to then set the rgb color for the second light?
I have tried function and change nodes, but i cannot seem to get the values from the array
Thanks in advance
October 4, 2020, 12:59pm
Isn’t it easier to just group them in Home Assistant instead?
Or is there another reason why you want this done in node red?
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(Jon Miles)
October 4, 2020, 1:10pm
only because the mimic light is also used for other automation and indications, so I need to keep them separate.
Grouping them in HA wouldn’t prevent you from using that light in other automations. All a group does is allow you to quickly change multiple devices at the same time. In NodeRed, you’d just use group.[group_name]
where you want to change both bulbs.