Passive BLE Monitor integration (Xiaomi Mijia BLE MiBeacon monitor)

I do not know ) If this is bind_key from the data obtained using Steam application, then this is exactly what you need.

Show us your resulting config. The bind_key must be 32 characters long.

Can’t get past step 1 Open Stream -> HTTPS Sniffing -> CA Install it goes to and says safari could not ope the page because server stopped responding

Just press “Sniff now” before CA install.

Ok what do I do with the .har extension file ?

Opened it with VS but no key info also when I add mitemp_bt to yaml file config checker doesn’t like the Invalid config for [sensor.mitemp_bt]: value 0000FE950000100800000805F9B34FB does not match regular expression (?i)^[A-F0-9]{32}$ for dictionary value @ data[‘encryptors’][‘A4:C1:38:0D:FB:2B’]. Got ‘0000FE950000100800000805F9B34FB’. (See ?, line ?).

The guys wrote everything. Here and here. Open HAR file with Charles Proxy desktop app and search for bind_key.

The documentation describes the format for the encryptors option. Your key has a length of 31 characters. Must be 32. I can immediately say that this is not the bind_key.

@morrydavis where are you from? What is your native language? My native language is Russian. I ask, because with some luck, if our languages ​​coincide, then we could continue somewhere in our native language, which would greatly simplify the whole process, as it seems to me ))))

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Sorry, from the USA california
I will go back and try to figure out how to get the real key

please report if you will have success with ESP32 :wink:

Still having trouble with these instructions steps 1,2,3 and 4 could it be because I have the latest ios version under settings VPN I see two possible VPN configurations one for Stream I connect to that but when I go to step 2 I don’t see General->Profile and If I go back to Stream I don’t see hit trust CA and if I go to step 4 I don’t see General->About->Certificate Trust Settings

Your iPhone is corporate? Often, corporate devices have some features blocked.

I also have the latest iOS, and I have these menu items available.

Or maybe it is parental control enabled?

Not a corporate phone it is iphoneX software 13.4

I lied I did find the general->about-> certificate trust settings Trust Store Version 2020020700
Trust Asset Version 7 and all I have under General->Profile is Xfinity WiFi

wholly crap it worked I not sure why but I finally got the Stream VPN installed and was able to get the bind_key OK how do I get a more meaningful name assigned to each of the encryptors rather than mi_t_a4c1380dfb2b

Congratulations )

Home Assistant -> Configuration -> Entities, search by name and click on entity which you want to change.

Have you ever seen this on my rpi console this message just keeps scrolling across the screen bluetooth hci0 Frame reassembly failed (-84) also seeing SCO packet for unknown connection handle and advertising data len corrected the later two are much fewer

One more question is it possible to get the battery level from the LYWSD03MMC
again thanks for all your help


I have 1x LYWSDCGQ and 2x HHCCJCY01.

The round LYWSDCGQ works fine, no issues.
But my 2 HHCCJCY01 (mi flora) dosnt, and im not sure what im missing.

If i do a scan on the host, i can find it:

[NEW] Device C4:7C:8D:61:FF:B9 Flower mate

But mitemp only finds 1 device (temp sensor):

2020-04-08 10:42:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.mitemp_bt.sensor] Finished. Parsed: 1415 hci events, 1 xiaomi devices.


  - platform: mitemp_bt
    decimals: 1

They worked fine with the old bluethooth intergration in HA with the following:

      - platform: miflora
        mac: 'C4:7C:8D:61:FF:B9'
        median: 2
        adapter: hci0

(which is removed from the running conf)

Assistance Requested :smiley:

This is a common problem with the bluetooth subsystem on raspberry.

is it possible to get the battery level from the LYWSD03MMC

Of course, there is a special option for this - batt_entities. Everything is described in the documentation.