Passive BLE Monitor integration

Running 2022.9.7 and OS 9.0

Still using the old integration, but the old integration is not picking up all of the BT adapters available.

It is as if the list in this integration is not being updated (note the same mac address appears under different hci numbers).



Any suggestions @Ernst?

Try a full system restart (power off power on). Looks like the hci address has changed.

So I’ve just upgraded from an old HA installation with BLE monitor to the newest 2022.10 one, and switched my xiaomi sensors from ble to the new buetooth integration.

I’m not sure I understand the discussion on active vs. passive: is the new bluetooth integration still using active scanning, and is there any disadvantage currently regarding battery life for my lywsd03mmc sensors?

and I guess there won’t be any averaging of values in the new integration?

The first versions of HA with the new Bluetooth integration were using active scanning, which is using slightly more battery. The devs were working on some implementation that would start with passive scanning, and switch to active scanning only if needed. Not sure if that already made it into HA. But I wouldn’t bother too much about battery life, it is only a few percent more.

There isn’t averaging anymore in the new HA Bluetooth integrations, that is correct. So you can see some small differences between BLE monitor and the Xiaomi or BTHome integration.

Beside the new Bluetooth integration I have the BLE running. In the BLE configuration I have selected: Active Scan. When I disable this option, the sensors in the new Bluetooth integration become unavailable.
For me it is still unclear how the new Bluetooth integration works with Active Scan.

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Active scan or passive scan is a setting of your Bluetooth radio (dongle or internal radio). This is a system (hardware) setting. To explain the difference, passive scanning is “just listening to BLE advertisements”, while active scanning is sort of shouting around “everyone who hears this, please send all the data you have”.

A Bluetooth radio can only use one type of scanning at the same time. So, if you set BLE monitor wants to use passive scanning, while the HA integration wants to use active scanning, your Bluetooth radio will have to switch back and forth, and will get confused. Moreover, switching back an forth between the two will require time, during which you can’t receive BLE data.

Most of the times, BLE monitor wins this battle, as it works on a lower level, so your HA machine will switch to passive scanning. This is the cause that HA BLE integrations will stop working, when setting BLE monitor to passive scanning. Using active scanning in BLE monitor switches the Bluetooth radio to active scanning, which works for both.


Thanks Ernst for your reply.

In HA I have installed the new Bluetooth integration:

All Bluetooth devices are deleted in the BLE app.
The only device which it available in the BLE app is the BT dongle with Active Scan on.

I have added the BT devices in HA via the new Bluetooth integration:
Qingping Xiaomi

So far so good.
But when I delete the BLE integration all my BT devices become unavailable. The reason for this is the missing option: Active scan.
What I still do not understand, if the new BT integration has standard Active Scan on, why do I still need the BLE integration and put Active Scan on? After all no devices added to the BLE integration.

What do you mean by “delete BLE integration”. Which one do you delete, Bluetooth Low Energy Monitor or Bluetooth?

Delete the Low Energy Monitor. If I delete this integration I also delete the Active Scan option.

ah, no, if you delete BLE monitor, the active scanning will be set by the Bluetooth integration. However, you probably will have to do a full system restart (not only HA, but do a full system restart, to make sure your Bluetooth scanning mode is set by the Bluetooth integration). After that, everything should work (normally).

ok, I see. I did a full system restart but that didn’t work.
This week I will install my Yellow and will test it again.

That is very strange. The HA Bluetooth integration should work on its own. If it doesn’t work on your yellow either, please report a bug in the Home Assistant core repository.

I will test it on my Pi 3+ and later the week on my Yellow.

Hi Ernst,

I did the test with my Pi3+. It looked like that it worked after a power cycle yesterday evening but this morning none of the Bluetooth devices are available anymore.
Therefore I have to install the BLE Monitor again and put Active Scan on to get the Bluetooth devices back online.

When I receive the Yellow today I will do the same test. I let you know the result.

Thanks. So is there a way for me to find out whether the native Bluetooth integration uses passive or active scanning? I have disabled BLE, and all sensors are on the new integration, some directly on the Homeassistant machine (running in virtualbox in a Macos laptop), some on an ESPHome using Bluetooth proxy.

:nerd_face: My first post (Also Posted in [ESPHome BLE Gateway and other BLE components])(ESPHome BLE Gateway and other BLE components)
I have read post after post, and cannot get it. I have modified this code to use a DHT11,
:point_right:Here is the code for the esp32 server:

  Rui Santos
  Complete instructions at
  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files.
  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <BLEServer.h>
#include <BLEUtils.h>
#include <BLE2902.h>

#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTTYPE DHT11  // DHT 11
#define dht_PIN 4      // Saras Room
DHT dht(dht_PIN, DHTTYPE);

//BLE server name
#define bleServerName "Temperature_ESP32"

float temp;
float tempF;
float hum;

// Timer variables
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
unsigned long timerDelay = 30000;

bool deviceConnected = false;

// See the following for generating UUIDs:
#define SERVICE_UUID "91bad492-b950-4226-aa2b-4ede9fa42f59"

// Temperature Characteristic and Descriptor
#ifdef temperatureCelsius
BLECharacteristic dhtTemperatureCelsiusCharacteristics("cba1d466-344c-4be3-ab3f-189f80dd7518", BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_NOTIFY);
BLEDescriptor dhtTemperatureCelsiusDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2902));
BLECharacteristic dhtTemperatureFahrenheitCharacteristics("f78ebbff-c8b7-4107-93de-889a6a06d408", BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_NOTIFY);
BLEDescriptor dhtTemperatureFahrenheitDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2901));

// Humidity Characteristic and Descriptor
BLECharacteristic dhtHumidityCharacteristics("ca73b3ba-39f6-4ab3-91ae-186dc9577d99", BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_NOTIFY);
BLEDescriptor dhtHumidityDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2903));

//Setup callbacks onConnect and onDisconnect
class MyServerCallbacks : public BLEServerCallbacks {
  void onConnect(BLEServer *pServer) {
    deviceConnected = true;
  void onDisconnect(BLEServer *pServer) {
    deviceConnected = false;

void setup() {
  // Start serial communication

  // Init dht Sensor
  // Create the BLE Device

  // Create the BLE Server
  BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer();
  pServer->setCallbacks(new MyServerCallbacks());

  // Create the BLE Service
  BLEService *dhtService = pServer->createService(SERVICE_UUID);

// Create BLE Characteristics and Create a BLE Descriptor
// Temperature
#ifdef temperatureCelsius
  dhtTemperatureCelsiusDescriptor.setValue("dht temperature Celsius");
  dhtTemperatureFahrenheitDescriptor.setValue("dht temperature Fahrenheit");

  // Humidity
  dhtHumidityDescriptor.setValue("dht humidity");
  dhtHumidityCharacteristics.addDescriptor(new BLE2902());

  // Start the service

  // Start advertising
  BLEAdvertising *pAdvertising = BLEDevice::getAdvertising();
  Serial.println("Waiting a client connection to notify...");

void loop() {
  if (deviceConnected) {
    if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) {
      // Read temperature as Celsius (the default)
      temp = dht.readTemperature();
      // Fahrenheit
      tempF = 1.8 * temp + 32;
      // Read humidity
      hum = dht.readHumidity();

//Notify temperature reading from DHT sensor
#ifdef temperatureCelsius
      static char temperatureCTemp[6];
      dtostrf(temp, 6, 2, temperatureCTemp);
      //Set temperature Characteristic value and notify connected client
      Serial.print("Temperature Celsius: ");
      Serial.print(" ºC");
      static char temperatureFTemp[6];
      dtostrf(tempF, 6, 2, temperatureFTemp);
      //Set temperature Characteristic value and notify connected client
      Serial.print("Temperature Fahrenheit: ");
      Serial.print(" ºF");

      //Notify humidity reading from dht
      static char humidityTemp[6];
      dtostrf(hum, 6, 2, humidityTemp);
      //Set humidity Characteristic value and notify connected client
      Serial.print(" - Humidity: ");
      Serial.println(" %");

      lastTime = millis();

:point_right: Here is my ESPhome Yaml:

  name: myble-client

  board: wemos_d1_mini32
    type: arduino

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "gdOpgYZcDBnLlk9GJ46i4iOtmh3pS3hcC9dHjwI/0EI="

  ssid: "DD_***"
  password: "****"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "esp_32_2 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "***"


# Enable logging

  password: "***"

  port: 80
  ota: true


  - mac_address: 78:E3:6D:10:6D:BA
    id: my_ble_client  
        - lambda: |-
            ESP_LOGD("ble_client_lambda", "Connected to BLE device");

  - platform: template
    name: "My_Esp_Tmp_Atmpt"
  - platform: ble_client
    id: my_ble_client1
    name: "Humidity"
    service_uuid: "91bad492-b950-4226-aa2b-4ede9fa42f59"  # Humidity
    characteristic_uuid: "ca73b3ba-39f6-4ab3-91ae-186dc9577d99"  
    notify: true

  - platform: ble_client
    id: my_ble_client2
    name: "Temperature"
    service_uuid: "91bad492-b950-4226-aa2b-4ede9fa42f59"  # Temperarure
    characteristic_uuid: "f78ebbff-c8b7-4107-93de-889a6a06d408"  
    notify: true

This is the web page from the esp32-server:

How do I turn the Temp. and Humid. results into a home-assistant sensor or (entity) such as:

I want to thank all who contribute to these forums, IT IS A HUGE ADVANTAGE TO US WANA-BEE PROGRAMMERS!

If you check the options on the integrations page for the config entry you can see if passive scanning is turned on for the adapter. If you don’t have options, your BlueZ version is too old to support passive scanning and you are getting active scanner.

For the esp32s, active scanning is the default so its active unless you altered it in the YAML

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hi everyone,

last week i added a bunch of ATC temp/hum sensors by inserting the macadresses in the configuration yaml, all fine. i got the sensors with all their ententities.
but now some ATC’s are “renewd” and have the “_2” on the end.
and offcourse this messes up my automations etc…

how can i keep the entities as the are?

Remove the old and rename the new.


also just found this: ( discovery: False )
hope it works

discovery: False
# sensors
- mac: A4:C1:3xxxxxxx
name: “ATC kelder”
- mac: A4:C1:38:Dxxxxxx
name: “atc auto”
- mac: A4:C1:38:xxxxxx
name: “atc_keuken”
- mac: A4:C1:38:0E:BCxxxx
name: “atc_woonkamer”