Passive BLE Monitor integration

  1. It looks like you have the option “report unknown BLE advertisements in HA logs” enabled, you can turn this option to off to get rid of the INFO messages in the log (should be off normally, only needed in case you are trying to get info for a new, not supported sensor).
  2. Make sure the option “Discover devices and sensors automatically” is turned on. It should than add supported sensors automatically

That’s all normally. If your sensor isn’t added automatically, try to move it closer to your HA machine.

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thank you, will try this.

Great work, @Ernst, It works great with my Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC t/h monitor

Hello, I am currently having an issue with my Govee sensor. The sensor is discovered and I start to get data but then it stops updating. When I look at the history graph in HA it just just one continuous line even though I know it has changed since I checked on the status in the Govee app. Any idea what’s wrong or how I should troubleshoot?

A couple of things you can try.

  1. New battery
  2. Bring it closer to your HA machine to rule out connection issues
  3. If you have and SSD, move it away from your Bluetooth adapter
  4. If this doesn’t solve it, enable report unknown option for the sensor, to see if it receives messages that aren’t parsed. The should show up in the log, when you enable debug logging at info level, see the instructions for a new sensor on github

Battery is at 86% so that shouldn’t be the problem.

I’m using a RPI Zero W so no SSD. But I will still move it closer even though my phone has no issues getting constant data from the same location.

I’ll enable unknown even though it is a supported model. I’m using H5074.

I even deleted the device, reported my RPI, and it discovered it again but just stops updating with new data.

Enabling report unknown can help figuring out wether the problem is on the sensor side or on the reception side (HA/ble monitor). Even though it is supported, doesn’t mean that we have implemented all correctly.

One more question, did you enable active scan?

Yes, active scan is active. It was not found if active scan is off.

After enabling the report unknown option, do I need to restart anything? Within seconds the device info changed to unknown but nothing in the logs yet.


I got notification of a new update for this so I installed it and rebooted the host. Since I did all of the troubleshooting steps requested, not sure which one is helping but so far I am getting constant updates. No errors show up in the log though. I will continue to monitor.


it has stopped updating again. Current readings from the govee app show humidity of 54.5% SmartSelect_20220512-235224_Govee Home
but the last time this updated in HA it shows 47.4%

There are no errors in the log.

Try to enable debug logging at debug level for BLE monitor, to see what happens at the moment it stops working.

  default: warn
    custom_components.ble_monitor: debug

It might be better to continue on github discussing this issue, by creating an issue Issues · custom-components/ble_monitor · GitHub

I added it to Github.

Another shout out for @Ernst. This integration “Just Works” so well.

Bought 2 of these Govee Temp/Hum sensors yesterday. Put the batteries in and they just appear in HA - brilliant!

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For the ones of you that have the xiaomi t500 toothbrush, have you have some good automations with it? Seems like it sometimes doesn,t report it’s states and attributes.

It is possible to turn on and off a light in the start and end of brushing the theeths ?

I purchased by misstake the Xiaomi Power Strip XMZNCXB01QM which is only controlled by BLE mesh. Can this Custom Component handle it ?

No, BLE monitor only passively listens to BLE advertisements, so it can’t control things. You might ask the people of the Xiaomi Gateway 3 integration to add it (it isn’t supported yet, but I think it will be possible to add it in that integration. However, this will require a Gateway device.

Other option could be ESPhome BLE client, but you will need to figure out the characteristics.

Thank you for your feedback, i will look into it.

This integration have worked on my HA without any problem for 10 months. Every time I restart it is showing the log message

We found a custom integration ble_monitor which has not been tested by Home Assistant.
This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

What is needed to declare an integration as well-tested? Does it depend on the recently supported devices? IMO, this integration deserves to be considered stable and tested (btw, good job!).

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All custom integrations that are installed via HACS show this message. It will only disappear if we add it as an official Home Assistant integration. A few months ago a was approached by someone who wanted to convert it to an official integration, but I haven’t heard anything since.

Hello! I’ve followed the instructions for installation via HACS and I’m getting this error when trying to add the integration. I’m pretty good at googling my way to solutions usually, but I have had no luck here. Any advice?


This integration does not support configuration via the UI. If you followed this link from the Home Assistant website, make sure you run the latest version of Home Assistant"

Here’s my configuration about screen, if it’s helpful.