šŸ”„ Pellet stove 'Duepi-evo'

Just coming back to this now, thanks for your feedback.

ESP-01 is fine can telnet and commands coming through in the console. When TX and RX connected together the app also connects and allows commands to be inputted.

Reconnecting the TX and RX cables back to the stove and reverts back to the same issue, have reversed cables also. App seems to connect but does not show any state or allow any commands to be sent and all inputs greyed out.

If it makes any difference I am using this adapter:-


along with this esp01:-


I wonder is there a mismatch with the pins between the two?

Thanks again.

Wellā€¦there are not any pins that can be mismatched on the esp01 with extension board, they should be the same for all esp01ā€™s

The only thing that comes to mind right now is wrong connection on the board?

I have new esp01 on the way so will see if that makes any difference.

Looking at that dia. there is no JP9 on mine, only one set of pins which had been connected to the serial port on the back on the stove.

Wellā€¦ according info from duepi, they use the following color coding:
Connector is JP8
1 = White ā†’ GND
2 = Orange ā†’ RX
3 = Red ā†’ TX
4 = Violet ā†’ +5V

@morning_call I have an Artel Julia next, and if you read this thread from the beginning you can see I also struggled to make it work. I have encountered the exact same issues you have. But today, after reading your latest posts I decided to try again and maybe help each other. I also didnā€™t get any response in the console, and I did the same rx/tx switch, changed the ESP01 for a different one etc. Today was the same, no console output, until I restarted HA while the ESP01 was connected. Suddenly it worked! Really happy with this!,I am trying for over a year nowā€¦ Check my previous posts, or ask me here if I can help you with anything. Now, I must make scripts for my stoveā€¦ @aceindy thanks for this!

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Thanks Whatsek.

Changed ESP-01 also without success so it seems they are a bit temperamental with getting a connection.

I will keep trying and see if it will connect.

Everything look good from a connection pint of view, just not able to gather any data.

I used this web based installer for the ESP01 instead of the official one: Using esp-link ā€“ Marcel Zuidwijk and used the settings @aceindy wrote in this thread.

Could you try this and if you connected everything, reboot you Home Assistant?

@mvroosmalen1970 , @kooibosmania Iā€™ve got a user with a wemos, but weā€™re a bit struggling with the gpioā€™s.
Since I donā€™t have one, could you share the EspLink settings for the wemos?

The user you are referring to is a friend of mine.
heā€™s struggling with the ESP01 and the Wemos,

On the Esp-01 heā€™s not getting a reply at all. and with the Wemos heā€™s getting a :

                # Get Burner status
                dataFromServer = sock.recv(10).decode()
                dataFromServer = dataFromServer[1:9]
                current_state = int(dataFromServer, 16)

Request sent 
get_status      = "\x1bRD90005f&"

Thrownback error:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: 'RD90005f' .

Seems to me the code expects a certain HEX reply, but getā€™s something else.

could be gpio settings in the ESP-Link for the Wemos, or could it be a parsing error in the script it self?

Exactly, the reply he gets is the same as the answer he sendā€¦
So somehow TX and RX are connected, hence I asked for a wemos configā€¦

The problem is indeed in the settings on the wemos. I changed the refresh intervals. Need to check tonight the exact config. will post it later. Maybe check my post in mrt-22:
The only tweak I needed was to add 5ms timeout delay in the serial device settings of espeasy to get robust data from my pellet stove ( Duroflame Rembrand).




Seems we also have a ser2net available for ESPHome nowadays :smiley:
I inmedeately abandoned ESPLInk :rofl:

My esp configuration:

  node_name: duepi-pelletstove # Use a unique name.
  node_id: duepi1    # Use a unique id.
  friendly_node_name: "Duepi Pelletstove"

  name: ${node_name}
  comment: ${friendly_node_name}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  - source: github://oxan/esphome-stream-server

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_iotpw

# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: ${node_name} " FB"
    password: "fallback"


# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: !secret api_encryption

# Enable Over The Air updates

# Disable logging
  baud_rate: 0
    sensor: ERROR
    duty_cycle: ERROR
    binary_sensor: ERROR
    light: ERROR

# Enable Web server.
  port: 80

# Sync time with Home Assistant.
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: ${node_id}_homeassistant_time

# Binary Sensors.
  - platform: status
    name: ${friendly_node_name} Connection Status
    id: ${node_id}_connection_status
  - platform: stream_server
      name: Connected

# Sensors.
  - platform: uptime
    name: Uptime Sensor
    id: ${node_id}_uptime_sensor
    icon: mdi:clock-start
    update_interval: 60s
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: ${friendly_node_name} WiFi Signal
    id: ${node_id}_wifi_signal
    update_interval: 60s
  - platform: stream_server
      name: Number of connections

# Text Sensors.
  - platform: version
    name: ${friendly_node_name} ESPHome Version
    id: ${node_id}_esphome_version    
  - platform: wifi_info
      name: ${friendly_node_name} IP Address
      id: ${node_id}_ip_address
      icon: mdi:ip-network

# Switches.
  - platform: restart
    name: ${friendly_node_name} Restart
    id: ${node_id}_restart
    icon: "mdi:restart"
  - platform: shutdown
    name: ${friendly_node_name} Shutdown
    id: ${node_id}_shutdown
  - platform: safe_mode
    name: ${friendly_node_name} Restart (Safe Mode)"
    id: ${node_id}_safe_mode

# Define UART pinout 
  id: uart_bus
  tx_pin: 1
  rx_pin: 3
  baud_rate: 115200

   uart_id: uart_bus
   port: 23

After a few days i did went back to ESPLink, as it wasnā€™t as stable as I hoped it to beā€¦
Installing ESP-Link has also become easier as I found an [online installer](Easiest way to install ESP-Link is to use this page from my GitHub site Install ESPLink) for it; just connect your ESP, and hit
(thanks go to Marcel Zuidwijk for that)

Excellent work amazing!!!

Working on Amesti 8100 plus2

Esp32 dev wroom + logic 5-3.3v converter
Esphome says 0 connections but entity still works.

Greetings from Chile

Thanks for the feedback, added to the list :wink:

Hello, Iā€™m currently running some tests. I flashed a WeMos D1 Mini with ESPEasy, set up a serial server, and configured it in Home Assistant. However, in the logs, Iā€™m seeing this error: ā€œTime-out while polling host.ā€ Is this because the WeMos isnā€™t connected to the stove yet, or is there an issue somewhere?

Thank you for your responses

Inconclusive it is just that HA asked the stove for a status, but there is no answer from the stove within 5 seconds:

async def get_data(self, support_setpoint) -> None:
        """Get the data from the stove"""
            async with async_timeout.timeout(5):
                sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                sock.connect((self._host, self._port))
                # Get Burner status
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            _LOGGER.error("Time-out while polling host: %s", self._host)
            return None

But it actually doesnā€™t say anything about the Wemos, it is just used as a serial2lan converter :thinking:

ok Thank you for your quick response I will wait to receive my stove :slight_smile:

Got it working on a Duroflame CarrƩ, using the same settings as for the Duroflame Rembrand posted on the GitHub page !
Hardware iā€™ve used is a Wemos D1 and a level converter for the serial commā€™s, controller in the stove is a Duepi EVO LCD.

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Thanks for the feedback @pd3jcw !!
Added Duroflame CarrƩ to the list of supported models :+1: