Per-panel PV power / energy visualization (solaredge optimizer data)


I cannot reach to that result because I don’t know how to create this top level button card template. Can you give me an example of what to code in the raw configuration editor before writing that pv_panel element ?



@langestefan, sorry but I can’t make it working. I think my first issue is that you are using the type: custom:stack-in-card that IIRC is an HACS component. I didn’t find any reference to that in your instructions

Well you can just install it if that’s the problem

@langestefan , yes of course that’s can fix the problem; but for a rookie like me a little bit of more info will be really appreciate

see Per-panel PV power / energy visualization (solaredge optimizer data) - #3 by Mariusthvdb how to use it with vertical-stack (core card)

Marius, you could compare the output of each panel with the average or sum of all panels. I am working on a set of sensors that aggregate the kWh production per panel (utility meter) and compare with the sum of all panels. The ratio should be approximately the same at the end of each day.

We could try to do the same with voltage, not sure what works better. Will post my sensor when bugs (peaks in ratio) are ironed out.

Edit: voltage may work better; dividing panel kWh by total kWh yields larger errors at the start of the day due to dividing small values.

Thank you @Mariusthvdb, I’m getting close :smiley:

if you don’t mind can you share how you defined the button_default_title template?


ofc, please see:

#  aspect_ratio: 12/1
  show_state: false
  show_icon: false
    action: none
#       - border: none
      - background: var(--background-color-off)
      - color: var(--text-color-off)
      - font-size: 20px #24px
      - font-weight: 400 #300
      #- letter-spacing: 0px
#      - font-weight: bold
      - padding: 12px
#       - pointer-events: none
      - justify-self: left

working on that right now :smiley:

I have a really challenging layout to mimic :frowning:

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I messed up something…

my expectation was to fo that

probably i need to read better the previous posts
working on that…

I’m trying to reproduce your template sensor for mu - 2*sd, but was wondering what you mean with ‘zonnepanelen bereik’ (I’m Dutch too)? Is it the total power of all the optimizers together?

no, I believe that was my translation for ‘sd’, as explained in the template above and by Stefan.

only change I made was not multiplying by 2 but by 3… for experimenting a bit.

allright thanks!

@Mariusthvdb what is your latest and greatest automation/config to identify solar panel? are you happy with the reliability of your sensor or you still have false positive?

not sure I understand what you mean here, identify the solar panel?

yes, it isnt faul proof (pun intended)

since those numbers are not real time, there is no 100% reliability at all, and I see it as a mere indication, if there is such a thing as a warning, I check the SolarEdge app and look for longer term anomalies for at least a week.

this display in HA is ‘Spielerei’ really

My apologies for any previous confusion. I am seeking to detect a reduction in power output that may result from a defect in the photovoltaic (PV) panel or optimizer. From our prior conversation, I gathered that there are multiple strategies to achieve this. I would appreciate it if you could share your experience on how you have successfully managed this situation.

haha. GPT?

great, no worries. As said, I just see my panel as a generic indicator, and believe to have set the variables sanely enough to pickup when there really is a defect. And if that is happening, I turn to my native Solaredge app and check.

its also a bit of common sense, and, allowing you to have different takes on the Solar production. I mean, for a generic impression I use a monitor like this:

which should return the overall feeling we had that day. once you get used to it, you get a pretty good hang for the total output

then there is this:

ive recently added the 2 bottom rows (which are on different orientations, and yet have to integrate those into the calculation in the top button, havent yet decided how exactly)

but that history-grapoh below it is pretty nice.

I honestly only return to those individual panels if my other displays indicate I should

Sorry, not much help…

thank you.
I will try to get more details with the integration (as far I understand today it is doing the web scraping), it seem that the commissioning page has some more info

yes it is scraping, as the details can not be had via the api unfortunately

as you can see, the app has more info :wink: too bad it is bad info in this case…

I asked my installer and they enabled a “flag” in my profile, now I see new sections in the web site

I will try to understand if these info can be collected as the optimizer data