Per-panel PV power / energy visualization (solaredge optimizer data)

Hi, could you post the code please?
Like this view a lot.


I have a SolarEdge solar setup and currently have a bad optimizer/panel. I was trying to understand/adapt the examples above to create an automation to notify me when this happens as my solar company does not do this. I was unable to adapt the examples above but I was able to create an automation which checks whether the sensor.last_measurement date is within two days. This seems to work, but may get annoying since itā€™s triggered to run once each day. At least it will act as a reminder to submit a service request to my provider. Replace the list of sensor last measurement (which is provided by the SolarEdge Optimizers data integration) with yours (or if you know a better way to loop through them without naming each, do that). Replace notify.mobile_app_DEVICE with the mobile device you want the notification to go to.

- alias: "[Solar] Mobile app notify when optimizer measurement date isn't updating"
  description: ""
    - platform: time
      at: "05:00:00"
    - repeat:
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_1
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_10
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_11
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_12
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_13
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_14
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_15
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_16
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_17
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_18
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_19
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_2
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_20
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_21
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_22
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_23
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_24
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_25
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_26
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_27
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_28
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_29
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_3
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_30
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_31
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_32
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_33
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_34
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_35
          - sensor.last_measurement_1_0_36
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states(repeat.item)))/86400) > 2 }}"
          - service: notify.mobile_app_DEVICE
              message: >
                {{ state_attr( repeat.item , 'friendly_name') }} last measurement was on: {{ states( repeat.item ) }}, over 2 days ago. Check MySolarEdge app to confirm.
              data: {}

I am doing making one with weather animations over the panels (e.g sun rays, rain etc (have finished animations for: cloudy, pouring, rainy, sunny, windy)):

The sun & moon also tracks across the sky based on the time.
Coded to look with both light and dark themes regardless of time of day.

The only 3rd party component here is card-mod.
The panels and background gradients that changes throughout the day are drawn purely with css, the weather uses animated SVGā€™s that I am composing myself.

Will post the code when I am done and link to it here.


Hi, Iā€™d like to use this on my solar plan (in Dutch ;)) but Iā€™m not able to find out what this jinja thing is. Can you please clearify for me?


the ā€˜jinja thingā€™ is a custom template saved in the custom_templates folder

you can search this community to find heaps of examples, and this is the release explaining the feature 2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs! - Home Assistant

Cool, thanks! Couldnā€™t believe it was not possible to find this using Google.

got this in a DM todayā€¦ from a complete unknown person to me

Good evening,

Would you be so kind to share the final code and other things needed to copy this in my solaredge PV system.

It looks great / awsome. I am Dutch BTW

Since i am a newby, is it possible to explain step by step what you did?

at first I figured this was a prank, but then I got a second one

Good evening,

Like you prog. code to show solaredge optimizers.
Would you be so kind of sharing the final code?

i am a newby, but admire your work.
Could you briefly explain what you did step by step (what card you use, what sensors, what binairies you made, etc)
of is it possible to make a hacs for this (or is this remark realy stupid)

I am Dutch BTW

Thank you for sharing

Linking to my posts above in this thread

this is as crazy impolite as it gets in here I guessā€¦ never seen anything like it before, and posting this to the public seemed the only way to make clear this is completely inappropriate. Even for the Dutch.

@MissyQ anything we can do to improve generic instructions for newbies this cant be done?

good morning everyone, recently owner of homeassistant, recently made solaredge photovoltaic system, already all integrated in HA.
I also wanted to do the integration optimizers, but I get stuck with official Solaredge site id / account / psw. I tried all the combinations (http my complete site, public site, site id code etc) but it always gives me an error :pensive:

Go to your solaredge phone app,go to your location icon.
In HA first colum type your ID numbers from solarapp, username:mail / password:your password