Person Cards - Show Off Yours

mind sharing code for this one? this is exactly what im looking for, basic and neat. much appreciated!

Here you go, hope it helps. One of my tricks is sticking multiple horizontal stacks inside a vertical stack.

Thank You! Got it running on my dashboard…looks perfect!

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someone has an idea how i can show “thoroughfare, locality” only when im not in a homeassistant added zone? because the street etc is only nesserery when i dont know the zone :slight_smile:

secondary: >-
      {{ iif(states(entity) == 'not_home', 'away', states(entity)) | title }} |
      {{ state_attr('sensor.pixel_8_companion_app_geocoded_location',
      'thoroughfare') }}  {{
      'name') }}, {{
      'locality') }}

Try this:

{% if is_state(entity,'not_home') %}
  {% if not is_state('sensor.pixel_8_companion_app_geocoded_location','Unknown') %}
    {{ state_attr('sensor.pixel_8_companion_app_geocoded_location','thoroughfare') }} {{
    'name') }}, {{
    'locality') }}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
{% elif is_state(entity,'home') %}
{% else %}
  {{ states(entity) | title }}
{% endif %}
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@mrgrlscz looks good, thank you very much :+1: :+1:

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