"person" picture in map cards

I started using the “person” component instead of the specific device trackers, this is working perfectly.
I setup pictures for the person entities and this also is showing it fine.

The only issue is in the “map” card, when using those “person” entities, it doesn’t show the pictures…
Anything I missed or a bug?

I understand it shows the device tracker it monitors at that moment but the person and all related device trackers all have a pictures, so it should show something IMO…

Does anyone use the person entity in Lovelace map card?
I wonder if this is a bug or specific to my env…

bump… sorry, need to know if this is only me a bug so I can stop looking into it…

I never use the Map view but I just looked and my person entity is represented with their picture.

Do you have the user_id: attribute of the person component configured?

I set it up via the UI… should I set it up in configuration.yaml?

I guess yes, this is the ID you’re talking about?

Is this in a lovelace card or the main map section?

My bad, I misread your post and thought you were referring to the Map view (main map section) instead of the Map card. :pensive:

Unfortunately, I’ve never used the Map card either. I notice in the documentation screenshot that pictures are not displayed, if that helps any. FWIW, your last screenshot looks very similar to my configuration, the only differences being editable: false for mine (probably because I’m in YAML mode), and mine’s missing friendly_name and entity_picture.

I use a Google Map camera card which I wrote some basic instructions for here if you’re interested in going that route instead.

You have to specify the picture for the device tracker in your known_devices.yaml file.

ok… Everything in there seems device_tracker entities, not person (and my person entities aren’t there…
How do I add them in there? just the entity id without “person.” in front?

When you configured your Person in the configuration panel you should have added some device trackers to it. Find the GPS device tracker (your phone) that you added to the Person configuration and configure the picture for that entity.

This should be the same device tracker entity you add to your map lovelace card. What you are trying to do actually has nothing to do with Person entity, it involves the individual device tracker only. A person can have several device trackers. How do you show a person on a map if the device trackers end up in different locations?

Edit: I just tried it and I guess you actually CAN add a person entity to a map, however as you found out there is no picture. I imagine as long as the lat/long attribute in the person entity is active it will show on the map. Done like I outlined above works if you want a picture on the map though.

Remember, the file path shown below is actually /www/images/jason_head.png in the file system but you have to address it as /local/www/jason_head.png in your configuration files.


Yes the device trackers included in my person entity all have pictures and it works if I add them in the map card but, the goal here is to have just the person in the map (not all the device trackers from it)…

Anyways, at least I know it’s not just me…
Should I create an issue in Github about the person picture not working in lovelace map card?

I don’t think it’s a bug, I think it’s intended behaviour. Entities added to a map are supposed to have a lat and long attribute. The person entity won’t have those attributes if a bluetooth/wifi device tracker was the last one to report it’s state to the person entity. If your device tracker is not in the home zone does the picture show up for the person entity on the map then?

Why not just add the device tracker you want to track to the map? What would be the advantage of adding the person entity instead?

One more thought to add. What if a person entity had 2 or more GPS trackers assigned to it. Say 2 phones and a car. You leave one phone at work, your wife takes the car, and you go for a walk in the park with the other phone.

What does the map show for the person entity? I have a hunch it would bounce around to the last location reported as they report ( I’ve never tested so I don’t know for sure.)

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Thats, the thing, the “person” entity is what the map card is showing (the picture part) but when you click on it, it is one of the device tracker assigned to it (depending on which one is used at this moment by person. That should be the point of person entity…
So, the issue, I think, is that the picture used on the map card should stay on the “person” picture configured no matter what is the device tracker used at this moment…
Am I making any sense?
If it would use the device tracker picture, it would be fine too (both device trackers have picture assigned) but it doesn’t.

In the entity cards, this works fine, the circled one are the person entities and even if they use the device tracker with a different picture, it keeps its picture configured (for person). Why wouldn’t it do this in map cards if it’s not a bug?

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I suppose if one wants to uses the person entity in a map the map the picture should show up. I imagine if it wasn’t supposed to work it wouldn’t show up at all. Maybe it was just an oversight. It’s a pretty new component. I’m just making edumacated guess here, maybe some who actually knows what they are talking about will chime in. One way to find out for sure is to open a git issue - someone will set you straight if you’re wrong!

In the meantime if you use the device tracker entity you will get the results you desire.

BTW - if you’re concerned about revealing your location blur out the street names on your map too :wink:

BTW I like you have your lovelace presence set up here. I might borrow some of the layout. I’m a bit confused though - you’re showing different battery levels for what appears to be the same devices - for both people.

And is that the Google Maps device tracker you are using there? I’ve never been able to get it working. I’d love to be able to ditch Owntracks.

Yeah… I use the person with multiple device trackers so that I get faster updates and if one if them is now working for any reason, the other one will update the person entity without me having to analyse each device tracker to find out which one is most up to date… It works well and made my automation much more reliable as well. (well except for the picture in map card I guess lol)
Yes I could put the device trackers in the map card and have pictures but if they are different for the potential reasons mentioned above, it can be confusing. Plus, there is going to be too many icon in there (I have iCloud, iOS HA app, Google maps, GPS Logger)…
***Thanks for the hint about my privacy lol, didn’t realize it until you mention it.

But the fact is that the person picture doesn’t work in the lovelace maps card, it’s not just me. Doesn’t affect the way it works, just something to fix… I’ll wait a bit for other comments and will do a issue in Github.