Philips Android TV Ambilights (Light) component

So i kinda got it half working :slight_smile:

nodeid for my TV is different, so i changed that in the code, but it appears that there is something else that has changed as well, i figured it out using pylips.

menuitems/settings/update --body '{ "values": [{ "value": { "Nodeid": 2131230778, "Controllable": false, "Available": true, "data": { "value": true } } }] }'

"Controllable": false,

i changed all of that in the code, and now i can turn on/off the ambilight+hue, but i still receive the error in the log.

Don’t know what it is… No answer from dev here nor privat … nor info where to look for the issue, if it is an issue of websocket_api, ambihue or pylibs?

Yeah it functionaly works, but the error is still listed… mmhh

Is that on the philips ambilight py?
I am using yeelight component and it works good, lights are sync and changes colours but now the behaviour is not the expected, as I said they turn on and off as they want and only one at a time. Can’t find the problem.


I added support for transition. You can make smooth transition between RGB colors. Pretty awesome.
I didn’t make pull request yet, if you guys wan’t to test it out first.

I’ve tested it and it seems to be working.

I’ve made a change in my fork that should fix the JSON error. Try it out and let me know if it works for you:

Thank you so much. Fixed it for me (PUS498503)

Hi, I am successfully running the Ambilight+hue component and I am using this to turn off the ambi+hue function when an app on my shield is paused (or stopped) and to turn it back on when it starts playing again.

Currently this is working, and I’m getting the state of my shield via ADB, but the delay in the automation is often between the 5 and 10 seconds.

As I’m fairly new with HA, can anybody point me in the right direction to make the automation more snappy?

Sorry to reply on an old comment, but I had some trouble myself too. During initial setup using I got an error ‘connection refused 111’. Restarted the TV, no difference. Just before trying to do a factory reset, I realised I had also just installed the Android TV remote app on my phone, which I then disabled. And voilà: pairing succesful!

Anyway, I thought I would post this here for future reference…

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I’m trying to pair my Philips TV. I succeed the two first steps but I get the following error at the third step:
/volume1/home/admin/philips_android_tv $ python3 --host pair

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 6, in
import requests
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests

The file call for the module requests at the line 6, and it seems it does not exist.

Any idea of what is going wrong?

thank you and stay safe!

You are not in the right channel, and also Discord is widely used for support.

In which environnement are you ?
If venv, can you try pip install requests in the command line ?

And forkers @cydine @valexi @hutchinsane @tonygri81 @yottatsa @SBRK (found on GitHub)

Are you ok of doing an official component for it ?

Making a all-in-one [philips_]ambilight integration containing:

I can start working on it during the middle of summer since I need a TV back (I got a water leak just above the TV).

But first, we need an library that handles requests to the API, see documentation



@Quentame That would be great. I’ve been thinking about the same.

There should be also pairing solution if it would be official.

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Thanks for your quick answer, advice and library sharing.

The lib seems nice, will try to use it !

@Quentame @jomwells Hasn’t merged yet my latest pull request, where is added transition support for smooth transition between colors / brightness. You should use that one.

Just update to 0.110 and go this in log :
Light is deprecated, modify Ambilight to extend LightEntity

Just made a fix for it :

Also in Ambilight+Hue :

This was annonced here :


Hi everyone;

I have had correctly running this fantastic component on my Philips 55 804 tv for some months.

Now the ambilight has become unreachable and I tried a new pairing process, but it gives me different errors, and from this I have realized that my tv it is not responding to https://IP:1926/6/system

I don’t figure out what kind of problem I have. It seems that I can’t reach to tv but android tv component is running fine.
Can anybody help me please?

Thanks you in advance.

I have a 65 804 which is also unreachable since the recent update to this component.

Working just fine here with the same TV. Are you using the latest version through HACS? Or maybe your TV IP-adress has changed?

I have solved it! But I don’t know how.

I’ve connected the tv through WiFi instead of cable.
I’ve removed the plug and connect the tv again. Then I’ve downloaded the Philips TV remote app to my phone, and configure it.

And the pairing process works fine again.

One or more of the previous steps solved the problem. Anyway, the component is working flawlessly again.

Thank you very much for your help.