Philips Hue changed to unavailable

Interesting data point. I do use history and logbook, but only for things that change with automations or manually, such as lights, switches, locks, open close, motion sensors, etc. No Sensors like temp, times, etc. I’m also running on an older I3 computer with a SSD drive. I still have unavailable from time to time. Sometimes several lights an hour, and other times one light in 4-5 hours. But still definitely several times a day. I may try for a while not documenting any logbook or history (i rarely use them anyway), and see if that improves my hue experience

So I deleted my whole mysql database and I still have unavailable, but every few hours and not every few minutes now… thanks, good pointer… will look at this more tomorrow

please think with me here.
In my previous discussions with the HA founder I was pointed to components doing heavy I/O, causing stress to the system. They would be the cause for the Hue system going unavailable, and hence my separation of the Mqtt setup on a dedicated Pi.

Secondly, heavy frontend manipulations would be cause for further trouble. Since I use a lot of custom-ui templating I’ve been testing that, but couldn’t really point out a significant improvement. Still, using custom-ui with its javascript is all in browser, while using regular jinja templating is done in the server side, and would be better for performance.

Now my suspicion: slowly setting up my Lovelace interface, I am experiencing system slowdowns and yes, Hue unavailable errors more and more. Could it be that Lovelace is heavier in the frontend then one would want? My fans are going crazy now and then when my weather page is loaded, using 3 custom cards (with and without Lit) and some builtin weather cards, alongside history-graph.

All of these take their toll apparently, and, is doesn’t really seem to matter if they are in 1 view, or spread over more views…

would be interested in what you think, and experience on that matter.

I am with you regarding Lovelace… it is VERY client CPU heavy. My laptop fan goes into over drive even on my home page which so far has 2 photo/trackers and a static camera all in test.

Like I have said previously… I am running on a celron intel nuc, so not an rpi… I have a spare i5 PC but don’t want to use it as it costs a lot more to tun than a nuc!

Lovelace should have nothing to do with it. If so then the unavailables would only show up during times of user interaction. My graph is littered with the unavailable message at times when a) no one is home and b) no one is awake and c) no one is using the front end.

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I agree, it shouldn’t… but it does.

Didn’t say it was the only source of system delay, but it adds to it. Might be instance dependent. Try to refresh the Lovelace frontend and check your hue lights.

btw, might be a good idea to link these threads: All my hue lights randomly becoming unavailable - #53 by Mariusthvdb

How so though? I’m not seeing unavailable devices on my frontend. They only show up in the history graph. The frontend isn’t even being rendered at the time the lights are shown as unavailable. There’s no user interaction at all.

not really clear what you’re saying here. You don’t have a front-end at all, when this happens? Or are your lights always available in the frontend?

anyways, in my system, when the frontend in Lovelace is being loaded for the first time, or refreshed, which can take its time too, the hue lights are unavailable most of the time. Signalling some serious resource troubles.

I’m saying that at 03:00 in the morning my lights show as unavailable in the history graph. No one is awake and no one is using HA at that time. Its completely separate from loading the frontend.

Yes, that is a known issue… Happens all the time, without users having a clue as to why it does.
see here for an example: Howto create battery alert without creating a template for every device of LL taking its toll on performance…

The fact that everyone is a sleep doesn’t mean your HA instance is :wink: History is being recorded all the time, and maybe other IO things are happening without user interaction. That is the main reason for existence of this and a few other treads: share info and experiences with our fellow community members, so they might together finally lead to a solution for this rather frustrating business.

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so I reset my hue bridge last night and hey presto… it is even worse! :smiley:

OK I may have fixed my issue. I had and Orbi RBK40 and I upgraded to a RBK50 (with new beta software) as it is reported there are issues with wired backhauls. 3 days on and not a single hue unavailable. A drastic and unexpected result…

I had a thought and may try this out of curiosity. Has anyone tried using the homekit controller component to control the hue lights. It would still be local control. Just an interesting way to see if it makes any difference. Also maybe using a real homekit device (apple tv, etc) to control hue, via HA.

I’m getting a little tired of having a light or two not turned on/off with a scene. Not every time, but every once in a while.

Just had an experience I need to share…
recently updated to HA 92.2 and had noticed that my Hue lights stayed available, and the very frequent loss of connection to the Hue hub, showing all lights unavailable had minimized. Excited I was… Only thing taking my lights out, was the reloading of Lovelace after having edited files. Lovelace does take a lot of processing power…

But, and here comes the point, I had lost my history also (No more history since 92.2)

silly me of course, having made an error in the history includes and excludes, which made recorder only record 6 mobile devices, and all other entities weren’t there anymore.

After I noticed and repaired that, restarted the machine, and yes! my history was back for the long list of entities I need recorded.

But, very very unfortunately, I noticed also that my Hue Lights weren’t even loaded. The Hue integration shows all new sensors, but at each and every light it also shows entity unavailable.

So, must conclude that history impacts Hue integration in a most severe way.

Cant live without either though, so wouldn’t know the solution for this one…

Btw, I have a main system still on 84.3 which has steady Hue lights. I have only upgraded my second system to the newer HA versions since that, and it has always been 1 system going fine, other system losing Hue. The former is running Hassos 1.12, the latter Hassos 1.10.

They are different is the Pi’s, one is a 3b, the other is a 3b+…

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There were some changes in Hue sensors for 0.92.0 & Hue fixes in 0.92.2 It might be useful to look at the docs again.

I’ve had the same issue.

I removed the hue:-section from my configuration.yaml and activated discovery: - and everything came back, now working as expected.

Have the same issue.
-> turned off or changed to unavailable
Running Vers. 0.91.4.

Its spamming my history.
Anyone have some solutions?

Not a solution, but I ended up removing my Hue lights from logbook and history because of all the noise. This issue has been going on for quite a while now. I’ll say that 95% of the time my lights turn on/off with automations as expected, since my lights are “online” much more often that “offline”. Regardless, I’d love for this to be fixed some day. :frowning:

Should we update to 0.93? Is the bug fixed or not yet?

My Logbook is spaming:

29. Mai 2019

Garage turned off
Garage changed to unavailable
Eingang turned off
Haustuer turned off
Eingang turned on
Haustuer turned on
Eingang turned off
[Haustuer( turned off
Eingag turned on
Haustuer turned on
Garage turned off
Garage changed to unavailable
Garage turned off

yes, me too. Unfortunately, the more I build my Lovelace setup on the test machine, the worse it gets…
Somehow I fear the front-end which is extremely busy in Lovelace, takes its toll talking to the backend. I know devs say it can’t be, but voila, there you have it.

my 83.4 setup doesn’t lose the Hue hub. Still legacy Ha. Which proves btw, that the Hue hub isn’t the culprit. the exact same Hub and lights are steady as can be on the one system, while the other loses the lights every few minutes or worse.