Philips Hue Rooms Not Showing Up


I have several Philips Hue lights scattered around my house. There are a few around my front door that I am trying to make turn on/off via a single entity. I have had no luck getting a ‘room’ to show up in the Philips Hue integration in HA as an entity that I can use. I have created a room in the Hue app called Front Door and added the lights I am interested in but for some reason only the individual lights show up in the Philips Hue integration in HA and not the Front Doorroom. I have tried restarting both the Hue hub and Home Assistant as well as deleting the Hue integration and re-adding it but I’m not having any luck.

In the Hue app, I am successfully able to control the front door lights by the single Front Door room. I also have a Hue switch beside the front door which also controls the room perfectly (and was setup via the Hue app).

Here is some info on my setup:
Raspberry Pi 3B+
HassOS 2.12
Home Assistant 0.102.1
Hue Hub: BSB002 | 1935144020

Any thoughts?

Did you allow the hue groups in your configuration?

# Example configuration.yaml entry specifying optional parameters
      allow_unreachable: true
      allow_hue_groups: true

allow_hue_groups is true by default, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Can’t hurt to add that though.

I integrated Hue using discovery and it pulled in the rooms, so it appears that that is default for discovery too.

The room will show up in Home Assistant as a light entity with the state attribute is_hue_group. For example, I have a room named Master bedroom in the Hue app, and I see an entity named light.master_bedroom. Are you saying you don’t see any entity like this?

That is correct.

I have a room named Front Door in the Hue app but I don’t see any entities named light.front_door or similar either in the Entity browser or the Philips Hue integration.

I have just modified my configuration file to test out adding the allow_hue_groups: true to see if it has any affect. I was just using the discovery component to automatically add it.

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Entity browser? Do you mean Developer Tools > States? That’s where you should look.

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Problem solved :slight_smile:

I see it under Developer Tools --> States but it was not showing up under either Configuration --> Integration --> Philips Hue or Configuration --> Entities.

Helps if you look in the right spot!

Thanks for your help!

No prob! Should have mentioned that in my earlier post.

haha well I probably should have checked there!

I thought I would be cool and use the new Entities browser or the Integrations page but I guess my understanding of what should be in there is different than what actually IS in there.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I am experiencing this issue, however the groups are not showing up in the Entities browser.

I added the hue settings through the built-in integrations tab, not by editing the configuration file. If I try and set it through the configuration file, I am getting an error telling me there is an error. Not sure if the two things are connected…

I can share more details but thought I should at lease comment in case others were also experiencing this issue. Groups used to show up fine, but I had to reset my HA recently.

Hue groups aren’t shown by default anymore but you can configure the option to show them in configuration.yaml. Share your config and the error you received


Hue groups aren’t shown by default anymore but you can configure the option to show them in configuration.yaml. Share your config and the error you received

Thanks for the speedy reply! So this documentation is outdated? I’d be happy to update if so.

Okay, will share my logs later. As this seems like a distinctly different problem I will open up another post if I can’t work it out.

Good catch, it is out of date. Been meaning to tweak those docs anyway so I made a correction.


I would suggest to make the enable/disable group lights an option on the integration. I guess you guys are on an improve user experience journey, so enabling groups shouldn’t be a configuration item in the yaml IMO.

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First off - thank you to @Tediore and everyone else for the helpful tips. Since the last reply was about 5 months ago, thought I would add my experience. Using the standard auto discover HUE method, all my devices came in no problem but no rooms or groups. Simply added the HUE config lines to config yaml and bam! all rooms showed up. Ez pz, lemon squeezy. It is strange that groups aren’t turned on by default, but what do I know? :slight_smile:

I just re-added my Hue integration and I don’t see the room anymore, was working well before. What is the config in the yml ? the documentation doesn’t provide it anymore

I just re-added my Hue integration and I don’t see the room anymore, was working well before. What is the config in the yml ? the documentation doesn’t provide it anymore

Happened to me too. In the UI, go to Configuration :arrow_right: Integrations, and click on options in the Phillips Hue integration card:

You have the same options there. Just enable Allow Hue groups

This is all I see on that screen.

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There was a breaking change. All rooms and zones now are part of the entities section.

Hey @pedolsky. Thanks for the reply.

I’m new, so bear with me…

Do you mean under Configuration > Devices & Services > Entities tab?
I see all my lights and scenes from the Hue app there but none of the rooms.

Maybe your talking about a different area/section?

No Problem.
Yes, you can see it under „Entities“ or if you click on the integration entities link:


Ensure that you display deactivated entities (hamburger menu top right):

All entities with the grouped bulbs icon are rooms or zones:
