Philips RWL020 dimmer switches not working after update

I didnt see any breaking changes for zigbee or philips this time around, but this AM, when my HA updated to core-2021.4.0 I was no longer able to use my Philips Dimmer switches.
It looks like I cannot ‘see’ buttons being pressed now for some reason…(e.g. when i go to add an automation to the device, the only options are to trigger when the device goes offline, or when the battery level changes)? Any ideas?

Thanks to the folks on Discord, we got the answer sorted!
Seems that the fix described in the pull request is the right fix, but if you are running the docker container without Hassio, you will have to do a bit of tweaking at this time, as custom_zha_quirks is not yet available on the docker version…
Onto the fix (until it is merged and the fix is no longer needed)
-download the file from the github link below
-stage the file in your docker container’s shared storage “/config” dir.
-enter your docker container via docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash
-copy the file to /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zhaquirks/philips/
-remove the /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zhaquirks/philips/pycache folder
-restart HA
**note, this will not survive a container update, so you may have to apply this patch a few times until the update is merged with your docker container.

Thanks for sharing, will try this for now.

Edit: Workaround Option 2 worked. Thanks.

I can confirm these instructions work, too.

Interestingly, the blueprint for this remote still works perfectly. Had me going a little crazy there, until I found this post.

Thanks for the instructions!

Update: This is fixed in Home Assistant 2021.4.2.

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