Phillips Hue Wall Switch Module

what zigbee adapter do you use? I have a normal Hue Bridge but I also just bought a zigbee usb Stick which I would try out but I dont know which Integration id have to use for that

I am using conbee 2 with deconz. Not looking back, never any more need for another bridge or cloud.


Is there any update for this with HASSIO and Zigbee2Mqtt - I’m super new to this and ive invested in a zigbee2mqtt recommended board and want to use these if possible rather than shelly L1’s I think - mainly where there are 2 light switches controlling one light if thats poss in hassio with Zigbee

Edit: Got it. You have to connect a wall switch and switch to ON one-time to start paring.

Did anybody try the wall switch module with ZHA?
I’m not able to pair it. I tried holding down the module’s reset button, but pairing is not started. the only thing i see in the add-device-log is:

[0xb8e7:1:0x0300] ZCL deserialize: <ZCLHeader frame_control=<FrameControl frame_type=GLOBAL_COMMAND manufacturer_specific=False is_reply=True disable_default_response=False> manufacturer=None tsn=93 command_id=Command.Report_Attributes>
[0xb8e7:1:0x0300] ZCL request 0x000a: [[Attribute(attrid=7, value=<TypeValue type=uint16_t, value=370>), Attribute(attrid=3, value=<TypeValue type=uint16_t, value=24939>), Attribute(attrid=4, value=<TypeValue type=uint16_t, value=24701>)]]
[0xb8e7:1:0x0300] Attribute report received: color_temperature=370, current_x=24939, current_y=24701

Using zha there are unfortunately no zha_events triggered :frowning:

Device triggers where working for me with my Philips Hue Dimmer switch via a direct zha (HUSBZB-1) until 2021.4.0. Now I only get battery based triggers for that wall dimmer.

Is this a known issue? or has the implementation now changed?

Edit: yes, known issue with workaround: Philips RWL020 dimmer switches not working after update

I also paired the device via conbee 2. I see the device (id: rdm001_8) in deconz. Moreover, I see the correct events if I start listening to “deconz_events”.
My question is: How did you manage to forward this events for automations?

I am happy for any help!

platform: event
event_type: deconz_event
  unique_id: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
  event: 1000

I use this as a trigger in automation. events are also 1001 1002. unique id is your own module. you can just paste it, formatting should be fine.


which phoscon version are you running? I am running 2.10.04 and apparently im at latest version. According to the changelog there is version 2.10.3 which has the wall switch module implemented.
I cannot connect to the switch no matter what I try (resetting, pressing buttons etc)

I will check, but did you have a look in VNC deconz? I often find that phoscon doesn’t show all connected devices but deconz does

Yes In the VNC Deconz it shows up (also in Homeassistant as a device etc) but the only entity I see is the battery level like if I would integrate it over the hue hub.

You said you use deconz_event. How does that work? How do I get the Event Codes?

This is correct for me too. Use developer tools to listen for deconz events let me know if you find it. It works!

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Could someone with hands-on experience with these modules explain a little bit more how they work?

From the marketing materials I gather that the load (e.g., light) connected to the module is continuously supplied with power?

Therefore one can use this module to turn a dumb-switch into a smart-switch, but since it has no internal relay, the load must also be “smart” (or else it will be always powered).

This means in the event of Hue Bridge/Home Assistant/Z2M/ZHA downtime, the switch will do nothing. Is this correct?

If that’s all correct, this module seems quite nice and really bypasses the “smart light or smart switch” conundrum. It allows you to have your smart RGB/CCT bulbs while still using normal wall switches.

The biggest downside for me is not the battery, but the fact there is no manual override.

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Well the Load is permanent. Therefore the lights have to be smart and be Controlled somehow, otherwise they would be at 100% the whole time. Lights can be Controlled by the electricity amount (like using a shelly relay) or smart Lamps with hue / whatever.

In downtime the switch will do nothing correct.

I like it because it makes it really flexible in your switch layout.

I’m just annoyed that Hue is the only provider of these Products and I cannot understand that no one came up with something like this before (I mean whoever made all the switches should have also thought about this product, because it’s essentially the same product).

Biggest downside in my opinion is the high cost. If I want to do a room like this I’d have to buy multiple modules. Single module being 40€ quickly makes cost rise and I don’t like spending 100+€ to make a room use smart bulbs (even though I could then use the lights in more ways, like with the alarm).

If you find a cheap alternative I would be very glad if you can link it

You’re totally right. And I wish Hue had provided a battery-less option for more reliability.

I think my cheap alternative is going to be mix wifi and zigbee.

The Shelly 1 and Shelly 2.5 can be flashed with esphome and configured in “detached” switch mode, where the switch is detached from the relay. This lets you use the wall switch to power HA automations, while ensuring the load is continuously powered by mains.

Now the really cool thing: with esphome you can configure a fallback such that if HA is unavailable the switch is returned to “attached” mode, thereby causing the switch to control the relay. So when HA is down, the switch will control the lights like a normal dumb switch.

A Shelly 1 is 10 bucks!

So my plan now is to abandon the zigbee-only setup, which I was trying really hard to maintain. Haven’t tested this fully yet, but I’ve got a couple Shelly 1s on the way, and I decided not to order the Hue module

Well I’m not sure if battery less is possible to do in all types of switches as the switch is used to create the electricity (and maybe not all switches can create enough/any electricity but im not sure how they work exactly).

Shelly is problematic because they are pretty big, they won’t fit in my outlets because the switch and the cables for the light take up too much space


Did you manage to make it work. I have the same questions as you :

You said you use deconz_event. How does that work? How do I get the Event Codes?

Please let me know, I’m stuck.

Thank you in advance!

Hello go to supervisor and listen for “deconz_event” I think you put that text into the text field. then start listening. then press buttons and you will see the events listings

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sorry its in developer tools

I managed to see events indeed doing what you said. Thank you !