Picture Elements Card - Conditional Based on Entity Attribute


I’m attempting to create a condition based on an entity attribute in a picture elements card, to show or hide a state-label. It seems it should work, but unfortunately it doesn’t. Can anybody shed some light on it?

This yaml works, but I need the condition to be based on the value of the entity attribute:

  - type: conditional
      - condition: state
        entity: sensor.energy_power_flow_grid_to_house
        state_not: '0'
      - type: image
        image: /local/solar/solax-energy-flow-grid-house-02.png
          top: 56.5%
          left: 26%
          width: 12%
      - type: state-label
        entity: sensor.energy_power_flow_grid_to_house
        suffix: ' W'
          top: 62%
          left: 26%
          font-size: 13px

This yaml works on a standard conditional card, but as soon as I enter the attribute into the condition on a picture element card, it doesn’t work. Any ideas without creating a template sensor for every attribute?

  - type: conditional
      - condition: state
        entity: sensor.power_flow
        attribute: grid_to_house
        state_not: '0'
      - type: image
        image: /local/solar/solax-energy-flow-grid-house-02.png
          top: 56.5%
          left: 26%
          width: 12%
      - type: state-label
        entity: sensor.power_flow
        attribute: grid_to_house
        suffix: ' W'
          top: 62%
          left: 26%
          font-size: 13px

Or has the conditional element of the picture element card been left way behind the standard conditional card?


Hi @ChequeM8

I can’t see any mention about attributes in the documentation for the conditional element of the picture elements card.

I think you’ll need to make a template sensor to ‘transform’ the attribute into a state.

Thanks. It’s a shame it has been left way behind the standard conditional card. Creating 30 separate template sensors to transform the attributes of another sensor into states is a bit crackers.

Looking everywhere for a sollution for a problem similar to yours, only to find this post confirming that it doesn’t work using attributes. So I made a feature request for this, please place a vote <3

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Any element may be hidden by using card-mod & “display: none” with a template like

{% if state_attr() === xxxx -%}
display: none;
{%- endif %}

as a workaround.

Thanks, I’ll try that.