Using attribute of an entity on conditional picture-elements

I was looking for an answer how to use attributes on the conditional state of an entity, but could’nt find an answer. Though I saw this post confirming my guesses that it doesn’t work. So, my suggestion is to make attributes work on picture-elements as they do on the standard conditional card.

This is also something I’m looking for!

For the new badges at the top of the dashboard, I have entities for the different trash bin pickups. Their main attribute is the date when the pickup occurs, but in the attributes of the entity there is a “days until” attribute. It would be great if the badge only shows if the pickup day is today or tomorrow (value below 2).

For now, I simply made a template sensor that transforms the attribute into its own sensor, but it would be great if we are able to select an attribute when creating conditions on entities or badges.

{{ state_attr('sensor.bin_blue','Days_until') }}