Pipeline chaining or fallback intent

Right now, if you do not have an intent that handles a sentence it will fallback to _common > responses > errors > no_intent and say “Sorry, I couldn’t understand that”.

Would be great to be able to add an intent to use as a fallback so it can be used in automations.

So for example we could use no_intent fallback to send the sentence to service that could be connected to a privatGPT server and get back the answer to the user.

Not sure how this could be implemented.

I know there is a component that let allows you to generate text responses using OpenAI’s GPT-3 model. So this could also be used as a service there.

This issue is about having the fallback intent, nothing else.

I created an issue about this: Option to add a fallback intent · Issue #1499 · home-assistant/intents · GitHub But I been told it was not the right place for it, and since I see, it is not possible to create feature request issues in core but I have to use this forum for it, I created this feature request.