Platform error: camera - Requirements for ezviz not found: ['pyezviz==0.1.5']


I am trying to setup EZVIZ camera. I configured it in configuration.yaml as described in documentation, but after reboot I see the following in logs:

Logger: homeassistant.config
First occurred: 14:58:14 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:58:14

Platform error: camera - Requirements for ezviz not found: ['pyezviz==0.1.5'].

Logger: homeassistant.util.package
Source: util/
First occurred: 14:58:14 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:58:14

Unable to install package pyezviz==0.1.5: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement uuid==1000000000.0.0 (from -c /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/package_constraints.txt (line 55)) (from versions: 1.30) ERROR: No matching distribution found for uuid==1000000000.0.0 (from -c /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/package_constraints.txt (line 55))

No camera entity is being created. Also I tried to start pyezviz in terminal, but the file is not found.

I use installation. HA version is 0.115.6, HassOS is 4.13, Supervisor is 245

How could I fix this problem?

According to the release notes 0.115 includes a breaking change on the integration:

The Ezviz integration has been temporarily disabled, as it has a dependency that contains code that breaks Home Assistant.

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Oops, I missed this note. Thanks!

Let’s hope it will be re-enabled in near future.

I’m still facing this problem on 116

It has not been re-enabeled yet.


Damn missed it also. Just bought an Ezviz camera :confused:. Well time to buy another one.

Thanks for the update

Still hope it will be back soon.

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Seems that 117.3 has not included Ezviz integration. That’s a shame.

Shame indeed, I won’t rush to update then… :frowning:

Waiting that the official integration works, you can already use your ezviz camera with :slight_smile:

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: ctq6c
    input: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554
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Unfortunately, my doorbell DP1 does not support RTSP

I’m also using ffmpeg platform & it works fine, but still it would be great to have the ezviz integration back again, so we can include at least arming.


Has HA 0.117.5 solved the problem ?
Has anyone tried it ?

I have the version 0.117.5 and the problem persists

Home Assistant 0.117.6 ezviz doesn’t go

I saw there is a new version of Ha (0.118.1). Anyone tried the ezviz integration with this ?

The error continues in 0.118.1

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High Level complicated fix:

  1. Fork BaQs/pyEzviz or you can use mine. I’ve based it on the existing pull requests available and credit goes to each of the contributors. I’ve added support for the “BatteryCamera” type myself :wink: (C3a users out there.

My PyEzviz forked Repo with fixes :

  1. git clone or copy hassio/components/ezviz to custom_components on your HA setup.

  2. rename the custom component just in case it causes issue with the official one. I used the folder custom_components\ezviz_my.

***Also edit the manifest file with the new name…i have taken this into account with the example below.

  1. edit manifest.json and replace the requirements line with this one. (using my forked pyezviz repo)

Complete one with renaming of the copied custom component:
“domain”: “ezviz_my”,
“name”: “Ezviz_my”,
“documentation”: “”,
“dependencies”: [],
“codeowners”: ["@baqs"],
“requirements”: [“git+”]

I see the official component uses one of the pull requests for pyezviz. Don’t know why they can’t make it official…looks like BaBs has stoped maintaining his repo.

You can follow official documentation to add your cameras. Just change the platform name in your yaml file. (we renamed the component in the example manifest above)

-platform ezviz
-platform ezviz_my

Please feel fee to copy and improve my instructions above.


Hi RenierM, it’s a long time i’m waiting for a working Ezviz integration.
Can you please explain how to install it in HA, sorry i’m not so skilled.
Thanks in advance.

Ty so much for your forks… It’s a long time that I’m waiting for something like that…