Platinum Weather Card support

Adding a warning section is on the todo list in
I just need to finish some other things first before starting on new features.


You can Use a custom stack in card like I have done for weather alerts:

Yup, this is is what I done with my current weather card (second screenshot). Anyhow would be nice to have everything ingrated into single card :slight_smile:

Yeah I agree but it’s not a bad workaround until the card gets updated to be honest

Hi, I have just installed the card and it’s great. Awesome work.

I am trying to use it with the ´Home-Assistant-wundergroundpws´component developed by ´cytech´. A component that integrates the Weather Underground Server.

But there are some things I am not able to fix.

  • First of all … the weather icons. Under the ´Overview Section´, when I use the entity ´sensor.wupws_weather_1d´, generated by the wundergroundwps integration inside the field ´Entity Current Conditions´ … I got the warning icon. The only way to get an icon is to use the ´weather.***’ entity generated by another integration (the Meteorologisk institutt,

The same occurs under the ´Daily forecast section´. I need to use the forecast entity generated by the If I use the ´sensor.wupws_weather_2d´ created by the wundergroundwps integration… I got the warning icon for all the days.

Is there anyone that has been able to run the card with the wunderground integration?

  • Another thing is about the evening … when evening arrives there are some elements, located under the ´Slots section´, like ´Today’s forecast max´, ´Chance of rain´, … that change its state to unknown or Nan. But the sensor that brings the data to the card is working ok and updating the data. It is curious because for instance ´Today’s forecast max´ is shown as unknown while the ´Today’s forecast min´ is working ok.

I don’t know if they are bugs … or there is something I didn’t setup properly.

I suspect that your integration is returning a different set of values. The card provides icons for the states specified by the HA documentation Weather - Home Assistant plus some others that provide a more complete set of states.
I don’t know of anyone else that has tried using that integration.
I am soon going to replace the current icon sets with an improved set at which time I will also publish a list of condition mappings.

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I have just released version 0.0.4 (available on HACS)
This release contains a bunch of updates.

  • Calculate the card size correctly
  • Some bug fixes to remove exceptions when a bad config is created
  • Adjust vertical daily forecast layout to work better on small displays
  • look for correct objects in weather entities (thanks @aarondrabeck)
  • fix temperature values of 0 showing as —
  • Adds alternative overview section layouts (observations/forecast)
  • Merges the title section into the overview section
  • Allows the use of an attribute for the updated/issued timestamp
  • Adds decimal option for rainfall
  • Removes optional/required labels from the editor as most of them were wrong anyway
  • Minor layout fixes
  • Some more work on the README

I have just released a beta version (0.0.5b0).
There is one big change in this. The icon set has been replaced with a new set that I have been working on.
Previously the icons where a bit of a train wreck in that they were all different sizes, styles etc. There is now just an animated and static set to choose from. Let me know if there is anything I have broken.
If you want to see them all have a look at


Very nice.

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I’m not sure if it’s a caching issue, browser support (I’m using Safari on OSX) or something else, but when I disable the static icons (i.e. use the animated ones) using the beta, the one in the summary is generating artifacts. The daily ones are fine. Here’s one screenshot of it.

Screen Shot 2022-09-22 at 6.34.52 AM

I normally use this static icons, so if this ends up being a one-off problem of mine, I’m not really concerned. But I did want you to know.

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That looks truly odd. I don’t have access to run Safari so it is hard for me to test. I’ll wait and see if others report problems. Thanks for the heads up.

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I just tried with MS Edge on OSX, and the animation is fine. So that likely means it’s fine on the Chromium based browsers for sure. It’s probably a Safari/webkit rendering problem. If that’s true, in theory it would show up for Safari on Windows too.

But there is no Safari for Windows any more (not since 2012 in fact).

Shows how much I’ve been paying attention. I remember downloading Safari for Windows on one of my test machines, but I hadn’t realized how long it’s been since I needed to do that.

I did check on iOS, and the animations work fine there. So it is feeling more and more like a very specific rendering issue for Safari on OSX.

I need some help. I’m using OpenWeatherMap but I can’t find out how to do the daily forecasts.

Here are the settings I use in the daily forecast section with OpenWeatherMap.

There is an entity just called weather.openweathermap that seems to have all the information in the format the card is expecting for the daily forecasts to populate. It took me awhile to figure that out too. I think I left Summary 1, Pop 1, and Possible 1 empty because they don’t seem to do anything with OpenWeatherMap. But maybe someone can confirm or correct me on that.

Oh, and please don’t fixate on the layout of the card preview. I’m using card-mod to adjust some of that, so your card layout will look a bit different than what is shown. But the daily forecast at the bottom should be the same.

Thanks for this - looks good. I am also using the BOM Radar Card :slight_smile: I have most of this card working expect for the Daily Forecast Section as I am not sure what sensors I should use. I have integrated the Bureau of Meteorology Custom Component successfully and also have successfully added Wunderground. Any tips on what sensors from these I should use? Thanks.

Using the BoM integration, something like this should get you going. Just use your locations sensors.

Thanks mate. All working now. Simples :slight_smile: I cant find documentation on the sensors. ie what is the difference between Icon Descriptor 0 and Icon Desciptor 1? Is it today vs tomorrow?

Correct. Anything with a _0 is today, _1 tomorrow etc.

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