Platinum Weather Card support

Great work on your cards - thanks. Looking forward to updates.

Looks great, for those with config issues - just scroll down, I missed that initially.

Wanted to put in a request for hourly forecast but it is on the to-do list already.


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Used the old card for some time but this is a big improvement . Thanks to all .
Perth has a coastal and hills fire warning which I was able to get with the old card but not sure how to get these with this new card ?

On 1 September all of the fire danger stuff changed. I have no idea how you were getting the info before (but there is a good chance it won’t work any more). The card does not fetch any data, that is up the job of other integrations. The BoM now publish the fire danger info in the forecasts that the ‘Bureau of Meteorology’ integration can create sensors for.
The Perth area actually has 4 regions ‘Swan Coastal North’, ‘Swan Coastal South’, ‘Swan Inland North’ and ‘Swan Inland South’. To get all of those you would need to set up 4 instances of the BoM integration.

Hi @theRat

Is there any way of me closing the gap highlighted in blue in the picture ? Seems to be a lot of wasted area on this card and by having it on my main screen I want it as compact as possible, thanks.

Nup. It’s just the moon icon takes up not so much space. Other icons use all off it. If I squash it you would sometimes get the text over the top of the icon.

I don’t think there is a way to do it with the card, but I use card-mod to adjust the CSS for section right below. The problem is I think I have a different layout than you do, so what I have right below the empty space is that two columns of information with the min/max, etc. So to move that up I use:

  style: |
    .slot-section {
      margin-top: -25px;
      padding-left: 25px;

This might work to reduce the bottom margin of thing above “cloudy” but I’m not 100% sure.

  style: |
    .overview-top {
      margin-bottom: -20px;

Here’s what mine looks like with the changes (and a couple of others to get it to my liking):

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That works mate, thank you !

Version 1.0.0 has just been released. Let me know if you have problems (either here or github issues).


Hi @theRat

I’m trying your card, and it seems very well done.

What is the right sensor to have in the “Entity Update Time”?
I haven’t found one.

I’m using Openweathermap and Darksky (until will be alive).

Can you suggest the right sensor?

Is there any weather provider that is best for this card? I’m living in Italy.


It can be any entity that has a timestamp as it’s state or if you choose use attribute you can select an attribute of that entity (has to be in the form 2022-10-19T18:00:00+11:00).
Some integrations may not provide this in which case you can leave it blank and the field just won’t get shown on the card.
Sorry I am on the other side of the world so no idea about Italian weather providers.

Many thanks for the really great weather card!
I have an issue with the Entity Update Time field.

I use the official Meteorologisk institutt ( integration. It only has 2 entities, which do not contain an attribute for time. The primary entity is named weather.home
If I just enter weather.home in Entity Update Time field in gui editor, the card shows an error: Invalid Date, Invalid Date

I learned that I can call the last_updated state of the entity with: {{ }}
By putting that in a Mushroom Title Card, I confirm that it currently returns: 2022-10-30 10:14:06.315623+00:00
But I cannot find out how to apply this knowledge.

I’ve spent half a day trying first different values in the field (in gui and code editor trying to cast to utc), but especially trying to make my own entity (template) with the last_updated state. But I’m a HA newbie with basically zero experience with yaml and am completely lost…
Any help will be much appreciated :slight_smile:

You should be able to create a template sensor something like this:

  - sensor:
      - name: barcelona update time
        state: >
          {{ }}

and then use the entity it creates in the card.

I have managed to get the card and configure it… but some reason when i try to make changes now, i don’t see the options to make changes… i have clear the cache, restarted the browser and everything but cannot get to show the card configuration. any ideas??

HA 2022.11 breaks it. I have been trying to get a response from the devs, but they are currently ignoring anyone that asks about this (another card developer has also asked and not getting a response). I am trying to figure out a work around, but it will be only that and not guaranteed to work in all cases.

I have added the following to the sensors section of the configuration.yaml, then on the card i added the newly created sensor and it properly displays the time and date information.

  • platform: time_date
    • ‘date_time’

I have released a partial fix for the breaking change made by 2022.11.
2.1.1 will show the buttons now, but entity and attribute pickers may or may not be visible. As a workaround if you have a button and an entity card on the same view it will work properly.

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Having errors with OpenWeatherMap. It seems it doesnt correctly map the values?

There may be something else going on with your setup. I’m using OpenWeatherMap on HA 2011.11.1 and am not seeing that issue with PlatinumWeatherCard.

Just wanted to say that I am enjoying this card. But I might have a couple of questions going forward. Here is my setup so far. Combined two PW cards with Mini Graphs and Mushroom chips.

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