Plcbus integration

Hi All
I’m thinking of switching my house from my old PLC-BUS system to a new one, largely because PLC-BUS no longer seems to be active. Until now I’ve been using Domotiga to run the system very nicely if simply. However I would like to switch to a new system so I’m looking at Home Assistant and Openhab. Openhab does have a PLC-BUS binding but it seems to be broken since they updated to version 2. Is there anyway to get PLC-BUS working with home assistant? I can’t find an interface for it in the literature. I wish to do this so that I can run zwave and PLC-BUS alongside each other and swap out PLC-BUS for zwave as money allows. I’m also wanting to use zwave to run a pretty complex multi zone heating system including an air source heat pump with large heat buffer. I feel that home assistant will make that relatively simple to set up and schedule but the lack of any PLC-BUS integration is a bit of a show stopper at the moment.
Thanks for any advice

After 3 days with no reply I’ll assume that there is no PLCBus implementation nor any plans for it in the future. Shame

I’m looking for the same thing…

For now i’ve made switch with a python command line:

platform: command_line
    command_on: "python3 /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/scripts/"
    command_off: "python3 /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/scripts/"

and the script looks like this:

import serial
myser= serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1',9600)
message_bytes = bytes.fromhex(frame)

Changing the frame allow to send on or off.

Id’like to do it best but for know it just works as is without state.

In the example my device is at B6 address using D for house code so the frame format :

‘D’ is my house code
‘11’ mean B for device user code (convert to hexa)
‘7’ is device unit code (convert to hexa -1)
‘22’ turn on (23 to turn off)
You can replace it by 02 and 03 but 22 and 23 used to be with an ack from the modules.

I used to develop the domogik plugin for plc-bus and hope to be able to make an HACS for this.


Could you have more info about it? I am very interested in a plcbus integration with HA.


All my house is equipped with 2268H module (double relay) like this one.

And i use a 67b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port to communicate with
So have little knowledge how frame work to talk with them set on / off get status etc.

The only things that i’m sure not able to do is DIMM and SCENE because i have not any module for.
I’m going to see what i can do for it in HASS.

Jet Lag won’t help us to ;(

jaja, jet lag and corona virus…

I have more info of the protocol and manuals, because here in Argentina, was a plcbus distributor that gave me. If you want, I coud share all this information.

Give me your email please


I create a fresh repo to put mine and all my notes too just PR in it :slight_smile:

Note it’s absolutely not working for the moment don’t even try in hass
just working are little script on/off/status and the (to listen command)

Not easy indeed :-1:

ok, I need time to see the information, but I don´t have enough knowledgment to develop an interface :frowning:


Hass will be the interface :slight_smile:

I just need to find how to make a pipy lib with alle the element and then an integration for hassio

@dborsnich @Timscottz8

I’ve got a working switch integration for plcbus :slight_smile:

I’m going to post it elsewhere and link it here when all ok

Ok, great!

will need again lots of works but it works asis.

@dborsnich @Timscottz8

Follow here now :

I make a fork of tikismoke 's work

It is a quick & diry fix to make it work in home assitant 2024.8.1

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