Please Add Alerts to Ecobee Integration

For the Ecobee integration, can alerts be added to the integration? IE, would love to see the air filter, uv filter, ac service reminders in HA.

UUID: 00000216-0001-1000-8000-0026BB765291
alert or reminder subject text for the current pending alert/reminder

I would love for this capability, and also the ability for home assistant to dismiss notifications/alerts which are pending on the thermostat as well.

In my example, I have a vacation home that we must rent out with multiple thermostats. I wish to set HVAC mode to “off” if a certain doors/windows are left open for a period of time, and then turn the system back on (heat/cool) when they are shut. Ideally sending a notification (alert) on the thermostat display itself to inform the user WHY the system has been turned off would be incredibly useful. Also, being able to clear any notification/alert on thermostats would also be useful, so that there are no queued messages on the thermostat(s) when the condition of the notification no longer applies.