Plug and light sensors compatible with conbee2 and deconz

I haven’t calibrated the Philips Hue motion sensor, but is quite good I think. For only light level usage it’s undoubtedly overkill.

Yes they do act as a repeater. If you want a repeater, you can always use a lightbulb or an Ikea Signal Repeater as well.

thx for the tips …

i think i will take the INNR for plugs, and maybe an ikea usb repeater.

do you know if the ikea tradfri remote control is also compatible ?

Yes, they are, I usem them as well.

Yeah, I know that they do, but are they good at it? E.g. IKEA bulbs are pretty bad repeaters for Xiaomi devices.

Yes, it is.

Indeed. I use mostly Philip Hue lightbulbs and some Ikea signal repeaters.

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hi, could you say me if the motion sensor can act like a switch even if there is no motion detected ?

For exemple, using it with the zone and activate the some light when your smartphone is in the zone (even if you are not in the motion detect range) … but also using it like a normal motion sensor ?

The motion sensor is separate from the light, they are not connected to each other. The lights are turned on by an automation when motion is detected, but you can also turn on the light at a specific time, or when you are in a zone or whatever. However, you need either a smart light bulb or a smart light switch for this to work.

yes, ok … i see

di you know if there is some motion sensor that can be connected like a classic motion sensor ? directly in the L and N cable ?

the idea is to replace an existing classic motion sensor,

I never heard or saw any out-of-the-box device that does this AND can be connected to HA, DIY should be possible. Can you not make the light “smart” with a switch or bulb?

Not in my case… I need to keep the classical switch… I’ve make another post talking of a somfy stuff who maybe could work for me if compatible

There are some behind the wall switches that can also connect a legacy switch. Most of them are rebranded/cloned(?) Sunricher devices. Mine works just fine with the conbee2 (using OpenZHA, not deconz).
However, as far as I have read, the connected switch does not make the device announce its new state via Zigbee, which makes it kind of uninteresting imho.

I keep hearing this but I don’t know if it’s true. I can personally say that I have Xiaomi lux sensors, multi sensors and window sensors. They all have no trouble at all with my IKEA bulbs or repeaters accessing my ConBee II

did you know the somfy wall switch ? see this post if yes please ? ==> somfy izymo wall switch

Did you check the mesh and are the sensors routing through your bulbs? Just heard from many people that they have issues.

I’ve ordre 2 INNR plugs.

If you want i will make a follow up here for the repeater “quality” when i will receive it

That may be the case. I’m not saying they maybe don’t work for some folk. Simply that they work for me.

Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 09.47.23

Here is part of my network. The two bulbs are both IKEA. The light sensor is a Xiaomi lux sensor. The window sensor is a Xiaomi window sensor.

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Hi all,

I’ve add my inner plug, but it seems that my Xiaomi sensor stay connected to the conbee, even if I’m pretty sure connection to the inner will be more powerful in range etc.

is there a way to change that ?

No, you can’t. You can try removing the sensor and turn off all mains powered devices except for the innr plug and pair again. If you are lucky it will route through the plug, but even if it does, it might as well change the next day, routes are dynamic.

I will try to remove the cell of my sensor … because one off my sensor is disconnected (far away from the Connect) but the cell are new… maybe make an on/off will connect it to the innr plug