Pod Point EV Charger Integration

I have noticed the same issue with duplicated device, I have disabled the device without an assigned area. However I notice my Total Energy sensor is working but my Current Energy sensor isn’t. Has anyone else noticed similar before I raise an issue on GitHub.

I add 33 kWh today which shows in the Total Energy when the session ended but I have a flat line on my Current Energy sensor today.

My Current Energy is often below the actual consumption, but it’s the same in the Pod Point app so I don’t think there’s much Matt can do about that in the integration.

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Fair shout, I’ve never noticed the pod point or Current Energy fail to display actual usage until recently.

Is anyone else seeing some flakiness with PSL Charging Allowed entity intermittently working again?

Are you definitely running the latest version through HACS?

Additionally, can you share a screen shot of what you are seeing?

Hi, could any help me create a button that calls the Charge Now service, but accepts an input for the hours to charge for via the UI? I’d like a Charge Now button on my wall panel, I can see the service needs time inputs, but I need something that my better half can just initiate from the wall panel and input the hours. I don’t want to charge till full as we’re on Octopus Agile and will want say 4 or 5 hours during the day. Thanks.


After updating to v2.0.4 (unsure of previous version) the Pod Point device was not loaded. The following error messages was displayed: [Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:”Invalid handler specified”}]

I have deleted my device, deleted the HACS integration, restarted HA, reloaded 2.04 via HACS and when I try and add a new Pod Point device I get the same error message.

After having removed 2.04 from HACS, restarting I tried to download a previous version (2.0.3) but despite doing that it reloaded 2.0.4.

Any suggestions as to where I can get a previous version from Git Hub so I can retry with 2.0.3?

I’m on a fairly old version of HA - Home Assistant 2023.8.1
Frontend 20230802.0 - latest

I’m reluctant to upgrade in case I break my Mazda Integration.

I’ve worked out how to get hold of 2.0.3

Its probably the case that the new update requires a new version of Home Assistant that I wasnt aware of.

I’ll take a look at the changes and update the integration to require a certain version


2.0.3 worked and restored my pod-point nicely.

You can create a script that takes an hours field and passes it to the action.

Then opening the info dialogue for the script will let you select the hours before hitting run.

alias: Charge Now

    name: Hours
    required: true
    default: 1
        min: 1
        max: 23

  - action: pod_point.charge_now
      config_entry_id: 123changeme
      hours: "{{hours}}"

Alternatively to fields, you can use a number helper which the script could read and pass to the action


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Just got back from holiday. Getting a token expired.

I set up 2-step verification in the app while away. Any suggestions?

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Not sure if this is an issue with podpoint/car or homeassistant?
In the last couple of weeks have had an issue where when I end a charge (either switching from manual to scheduled, or using switch off charging allowed) the podpoint is ending the charge but then showing a red light on the podxand the status in HA becomes ‘out of service’, as well as going to ‘unplugged’.

Only way to bring it back seems to be to unplug then plug car back in, which isn’t great with trying to use cheap agile slots overnight.

Anyone experiencing anything similar?

yes I am seeing same in the podpoint client - \auth.py", line 130, in __update_access_token
self.access_token = json[id_token_response]
KeyError: ‘idToken’

There is no idToken, seems a new set of fields in the API response - mfaPendingCredential, mfaEnrollmentId but no iDToken now - will check see if one of these works

i was getting this a while ago needed authorise the login details for the pod point charger again within HA. i havn’t had this problem since then, but i do notice that i now get email every so often (and definitly every time i restart HA) from pod point telling me on a NEW signin even through the ip addess etc is the same.

@StephenMilner @philsellick currently 2FA is not supported by the plugin, I am working on it at the moment but it may be a while. Currently the only way ‘around’ this is not NOT enroll in 2FA, or remove your existing 2FA

This is definitely a Pod Point thing, reach out to their support