Pollen information

Hi! Following up on the post from github, I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to fgure out ithe URL. Can someone please PM me the API link. Thanks a ton!

PS: I figured it out :slight_smile: Thanks!

Hi! I would love a DM with the URL as well to start being more proactive with the allergies… Thank you!

I can´t find the secret url, could any one point me into the right direction :slight_smile:

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I’ve tried to find the URL in the source, but have been unsuccessful. :frowning_face:

I would appreciate if somebode could point me in the right direction or send me the URL in a message.

Thanks. :grinning:

Found it :grinning:

I have tried to find the url but faild in my attempts. Any help would be much appreciated!

Update: Found it!

As some others I’ve tried to find the magic URL.
Someone who feels they can hand it to me? :slight_smile:

Update: Found it

I would love to have the link aswell. Can’t find it…

Edit: Found it

Hi There,

Is there anyone willing to share the secret api url, for the integration GitHub - JohNan/homeassistant-pollenprognos: Custom HomeAssistant integration to get pollen levels?
Much appreciated

Would love to get the link to the url aswell, cant find it

Found it

Hi! If someone could pm me the link it would be greatly appreciated. Cannot find it.

Hello - I cannot find the secret api site as well. Could someone send it to me please?

Has the API changed? All my sensors now only give me an “unknown” state. Tried to reinstall everything and add the API again, but that doesn’t fix the issue.

I can´t find the secret url, could any one point me into the right direction :slight_smile:

@captnswing I sent you two PM, one with the API and one with instructions. :wink:

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Pollen problems starting since 2 weeks… Can I ask nicely for a PM with the URL? :slight_smile:

@PHOLAUSSON PM has been sent.

Can I get the API? It would be kind.

Well as pollen is on the rise here in Sweden I to would like the URL to the API :slight_smile:

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Like the last guys, i’m also looking for the elusive secret API-url :slight_smile: