Pool Monitor Device Yieryi BLE-YC01

It is a cheap device, in the water, surrounded by metal pool frame in my case.

yeah, but its strange the ESP device is limited in range, while the app on android doesnt have issues?

Oh. Didn’t think of that. Have not tried app! $1000 phone versus $15 ESP!

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yeah, but the range of an ESP device should be good! :slight_smile:


Just got one device and I’m trying to use hacs custom integration.

When I try to add the integration I always get a “No devices found on the network” error message

What should I try next?

Thanks in advance!

Do you have BT working on the home assistant box and/or have a properly configured ESPHome proxy? The device needs to be 3-4 meters from a BT adapter. The range is not long.

I have several ESPHOME BT proxies around, but no one is detecting it

BT proxies are not dedicated, just sharing capabilities doing other stuff besides BT proxie

Have you tried Add Integration on this page Open your Home Assistant instance and show your integrations.

Guys, my CH value is again 0 , my PH is above 6.5

is it because the EC is above 840 ? What values do you guys have for “Electrical Conductivity” ? and how to lower it? :slight_smile:
I also have oxidation = 0 , not sure if thats normal too ?

You can turn debug on and see if any extra information is provided in the log. In your configuration.yaml look for the logger: line and change to:

  default: error
    custom_components.BLE_YC01: debug

You can also throw more debug statements in custom_components/BLE_YC01/config_flow.py around line 154. That is where it searches for your device. Perhaps you have a different model, which fails the logic. Most likely, it is just not close enough. Put it right next to a confirmed working proxy.

The battery reporting isn’t right. You can’t just divide the voltage by 31.9; it isn’t a linear relationship. I’ve filed an issue at Battery reported incorrectly · Issue #4 · jdeath/BLE-YC01 · GitHub for tracking. It’s probably useful to gather some samples of the value reported by the automation (which just divides by 31.9) and what the app reports at the same time. Then we can work out how it’s calculating it.

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For battery I use this code now:

      auto blo = 84.0; //battery low ori
      auto bln = 61.0; // battery low new
      auto bf = 31.9; // battery factor
      auto battery_adjust = bln + (battery/bf-blo)/(100-blo)*(100-bln);

I waited till the battery is quite low and temperature starts to fall. Then compared battery shown with the original formula (battery low ori) to the one shown by the app (battery low new). This is still an approximation since the relation will not be linear, but better than what we had.

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So what you’re telling me there is that when the raw value was 2680, the integration reported 84% but the app reported 61%? I’ll add that to my collected data…

Screenshot from 2023-09-07 19-44-05

Plotting a linear graph using 1950 as empty and 3100 as full (I’ll refine that as we collect more data):

No luck with the HACS integration

The process always give me an error when trying to add the integration to HA

First screen is stuck for a while trying to initiate and then suddenly the second screen with the error

Any thoughts?

I honestly can’t recall how I added the device, whether it was discovered or not.

Do you have a working bluetooth setup for HA?

Yes. Multi Bluetooth proxies all around the house

Did you ever created the device directly with ESPHOME and later migrated to integration by chance?

It is the only thing I can think of…

I have only used the custom component by @jaaem

Have you turned bluetooth on on the device? Pressing one of the buttons for that.

where do i add this?? in my HA config or as a package in HA?

yes. I only collected this one data point. I didn’t use the integration but the code I posted earlier, but the original factor is the same…