Popup Menu for Radio Browser


Does anyone know how to have a card in Lovelace displaying a popup menu with a pre-determinated choice/selection of radio stations. the goal is to cast with only one click.

I installed sucessfully radio browser and chose the required stations, but I would appreciated a “how to” from there.

(maybe a subject for a youtuber)

You could try with this maybe. It has an option for popups.

I have the following setup and working fine.

An example for one of them is as follows.

Create a new script and name it whatever you want.

For the Sequence,

Action Type → Play Media, select your device and hit + button. You can then select your station from the Radio Browser options.

Select the 3 dots, top right and Edit in YAML.


Copy the Thumbnail info, we’ll use this later on.

Save the Script.

In Home Assistant, Edit Dashboard and select a card, I chose the Picture Entity Card.

For the Entity, select your script.

For the image, paste the Thumbnail info.

Tap Action will be Toggle. SAVE.

You should have this. :crossed_fingers:

It’s just a matter of repeating these steps for however many more stations you wish to display.

To CAST to your device check out these videos.




All the best, let me know how you go with it :+1:


Thank you so much @dexstar
some results with some issues.

done exactly what you said, but due to some buffering I click several time the button, then no way to stop the casting (old google cast audio). seem to be a problem with cast and toggle. the only way to interrupt the radio is to turn off the media player. Toggle do not Toggle with Cast.
I need to go out now (st Patrick), will investigate later…

The second video shows how to stop casting. On my TV it’s the Back button.

Enjoy your St Patrick’s Day🍻

Followed these instructions to a T. Script works fine but the Picture Entity card doesn’t run the script?

What am I doing wrong?!